My Husband has been diagnosed with distal bile duct cancer

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! My Husband has been diagnosed with distal bile duct cancer

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    Are you in Western Sydney?I am on the south coast Janet


    Thank you everyone for your support and assistance. It means so much to me. I am so happy that I signed up to the website. It feels so good.

    I have taken all the handy hints with his diet, protein in-take etc. The links about nutrition and the books available. I am going to try BRATTY(Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Tea, Toast and Yogurt). He takes Somac to assist with his digestion, it may be similar to Prevacid. The drug called Megace, sounds good I am not too sure if we get it in Australia but we may get something similar.

    Janet…my husband had his operation in Westmead in Sydney. Thanks once again to everyone. All the best and will continue praying for all of you.


    I am Janet from your neck of the woods.Major surgery followed by chemo is no picnic and its no wonder your husband is debilitated.You will just have to coast along until the chemo is finished just letting him eat whatever he wants and then when it finishes you can get on with your lives and try and put the cancer behind you because the surgery gives him a good chance.
    You have to realise that this chemo is different from what many on this board are undertaking because it is a mopping up any stray cells scenario rather than palliative chemo and the objectives are different.
    On another note,sometimes yoghurt is tolerated when other dairy is not and thats a great food and good for the gut.

    Of course I know you wont be able to forget it but dont obsess about it and look forward to eating some great meals and having some lovely family outings.What hospital?


    Hi Phil,

    I just found these links about nutrition and eating and they contain quite a lot of information. They are from the Christie NHS foundation trust.

    I hope some of that is useful.

    Best wishes,



    Hey, Phil, just wanted to say that after Teddy’s Whipple he also became lactose intolerant. He seems to be able to handle skim milk though. You will be finding all sorts of little things they cannot eat. By trial and error. Teddy takes a Prevacid every morning for indigestion and that helps. As for tea you can make it decaffinated. I know you are so very busy but if you can get a book called Anti Cancer it is so full of information on food and nutrition and was written by a man who beat brain cancer. Several people on our board have recommended it and it is very good.



    So sorry you had to find us but we glad you did!

    One of the things prescribed for my Mom was a drug called Megace. She took it once a day and it’s an appetite enhancer. It worked wonders for her and she keep her weight stable the entire length of her illness.

    Also every hospital has a nutritionalist on staff. Ask for a referrel and get their imput on suggestions to help your husband. I agree with Kris is that when losing weight there are no “bad” calories.

    You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you have some family or friends that can help you. Please remember above all, you have to take care of the caregiver. (that’s YOU!….*grin*)

    This will be a good time to try and take things “5 minutes” at a time. It’s very easy to get overwhelmed. Hang in there and remember we are all here for you!

    Hugs to you and your family!



    Welcome to the best CC site I have found on the internet for CC survivors and their caretakers.

    My husband Tom also has an issue with weight loss. He too did not care for ensure, but has switched to Boost Plus (chocolate) which he tolerates much better and he likes the taste. You may want to try that. Someone else suggested BRATTY (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Tea, Toast and Yogurt).

    Tom lost about 40 pounds after is initial resection surgery and after his second tumor reoccurance (inoperable) has lost another 30 pounds. We are fighting to get him to gain weight right now, so no matter what it is that he wants to eat we are not worrying about it. I too have been adding eggs, whole milk, cheese to anything that I can when I cook. Anything to add those extra calories!

    Hope this helps!
    Prayers coming your husband’s way from Wisconsin.
    Go with God and KEEP KICKIN’ THAT cancer.


    After i had my surgery, the doctor and nutritionist were very specific that there were no “bad” calories. That your body needed everything to help heal and what one might limit during normal times, was not to be worried about now. In fact the dietician recommended I add oil and butter to everything just to get extra fats and calories i needed to heal. She also recommended adding protein powders to soups. If your husband can handle tea and coffee why not let him have it? If he is like me and adds milk and sugar to it, he is getting extra calories needed to help heal.

    I am not familiar with the names of shakes and powders in the US, but you could stop in at the vitamin store and ask. There has to be some lactose free drinks.

    Take care.


    Hi Marion,
    Can you recommend some names of shakes and protein powder that I can buy. Am willing to try anything, he had ensure plus for sometime but that makes him really ill. I have noticed that he has gone lactose intolerant after surgery. He loves his coffee and tea and I am trying to limit his intake to one cup daily as I was told that caffeine is bad for him. Is this right?. He is also on creon the pancreatic enzyme to assist with his digestion. Thanks for all the handy hints. Godbless. Greetings to you and your family.
    All the best, Phil


    Phil….I would like to follow the wonderful members in welcoming you. I am wondering whether you might want to increase your husband’s protein intake by given him shakes with added protein powder, small and frequent meals, (high in protein) with plenty of liquids. (It takes 4 hours for complete digestion of a meal.) You might want your husband to move around a bit and take enzymes to aid in the digestion. Stool softeners may also be helpful with regular bowel movements. I hope this helps.
    I am sending all my best wishes,

    Lainy wrote:
    I would advise that you discuss anything you give your husband with your Oncologist. While it was Teddy’s ONC who ordered the B12 you really should check with the ONC first, or whomever is the one in charge of the Chemo.
    You really will be fine. The more you learn the stronger you will get. A CC diagnosis is enough to scare anyone. Take care.

    Many thanks Lainy, will do that, I will be seeing the Oncologist on Friday.
    Take care, Phil

    Gavin wrote:
    Hi Phil,

    Welcome to the site, although I am sorry that you have to be here. Darla is right in that here, we have so many caring and wonderful people here that know what you are going through right now. I can’t help you with your chemo questions as my dad never had that, but I am certain that others will be along soon that can help you.

    Please keep coming back here as you will get a ton of support from everyone here. And feel free to ask any and all questions that you have and I know that there will be someone here who can help you.

    My best wishes to you and your family,


    Thanks Gavin, wish you and your family all the very best


    I would advise that you discuss anything you give your husband with your Oncologist. While it was Teddy’s ONC who ordered the B12 you really should check with the ONC first, or whomever is the one in charge of the Chemo.
    You really will be fine. The more you learn the stronger you will get. A CC diagnosis is enough to scare anyone. Take care.


    Hello Lainy,
    Thanks so much for your advice, the B12 shots sound good. I will talk to my GP and have him administer those shots. Does it cause any side effects to the chemo. Thanks for also assisting me with the search engine, that would be great. I must admit, I do not have much time as I work and take care of my hubby and our 3 kids so pardon me if I delay in replying. Please give my best wishes to Teddy. Hope he is doing really well. Take care



    Hi Phil,

    Welcome to the site, although I am sorry that you have to be here. Darla is right in that here, we have so many caring and wonderful people here that know what you are going through right now. I can’t help you with your chemo questions as my dad never had that, but I am certain that others will be along soon that can help you.

    Please keep coming back here as you will get a ton of support from everyone here. And feel free to ask any and all questions that you have and I know that there will be someone here who can help you.

    My best wishes to you and your family,


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