My Husband has been diagnosed with distal bile duct cancer

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! My Husband has been diagnosed with distal bile duct cancer

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    Hello Phil and welcome to our wonderful Family! My husband at 77 is now a 4 year survivor of a Whipple. The Whipple is the biggest surgery to the human body and it takes quite a while to heal. When Teddy had his Whipple he lost 40 LBS. And then gained most of it back later. If it has not met to other places and is only in 1 node then perhaps you need a second opinion of how to follow up. You have the right to take all of his medical information and get that opinion. Sounds like he may need some nutrition counseling to build himself up and to get strength. Teddy takes B12 shots.
    As Darla mentioned we do have a great nurse on Board, Janet, who is also from Australia. Hang in as I know a lot of advise will be coming your way.
    Your devastation is normal and my goodness you are caring for him and also 3 young children. Caring for Teddy was hard and we are older with no children living at home. I can only imagine how worn out you must be. I know you are terribly busy but try to read up on some of our posts as reading is knowledge and with knowledge you can fight this CC. We also have a search engine at the top of the page and you just enter a word you want to know about on past posts, like Whipple. Please think about that second opinion and try to save a few minutes each day for yourself. Also please keep us posted.


    Hi Darla,
    Thanks so much for replying. Yes, I did get a second opinion and both Specialists confirmed exactly the same results. I am posting the comment on his pathology report soon after the operation:
    Diagnosis: Common bile duct and cystic duct: Well differentiated adenocaricinoma, consistent with cholingiocarcinoma, perineural invasion,
    Lymph Nodes: metastatic adenocarcinoma in 1 of 10 nodes.
    Gallbladder: chronic cholecystitis with fibrosis
    Pancreas: Focal intraepithithelial neoplasia

    I do think this website is special and I am glad I joined, I am already feeling some relief.

    Many thanks,



    Hi Phil,

    Welcome. I am sorry you had to find us, but glad that you did. You will find the most wonderful supportive, caring people in the world here and we all know what you are going through. For now, I think you need more information and a second opinion may be in order. I am sure others will be by soon that may have some other suggestions for you. There are several people on here from Australia and one of them, Janet, is a nurse. I am sure you will be hearing from her. Keep in touch and let us know how things are going. My best to both of you.



    Hi Everyone,
    I am Phil and my husband has been diagnosed with distal bile duct cancer. He has had whipples in August but had to remain in Hospital for almost 10 weeks. He is very weak at the moment. He has lost close to 15 kgs. He was 75 kgs and now only 60kgs. He started chemo only in November last year and is given a very low dose of Gemzar once a week. I have requested the doc to combine both Cisplantin and Gemzar but he said that my hubby is very weak and may not be the best option for him. We have three young children, and I am totally devastated.

    The pathology report stated that the tumour was in the bile duct and in one of the 10 lymph nodes that were taken out. I would say it is stage 2B?? but the doctors have not confirmed this yet. Everytime I ask them they do not seem to answer this question. I live in Sydney, Australia.

    As far as the CT scan goes, it shows that the cancer has not metastasized to other organs. He has not returned to work and his recovery is very slow.

    I am in a muddle at the moment and cannot seem to think straight. Any advice would be handy.

    Thanks and Godbless, Phil

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