My husband is going to have resection surgery!

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working My husband is going to have resection surgery!

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    Oh what great news to hear this morning. Successful surgery and he’s getting better. It does take a while to get back into “racing form”, but it sounds like he’s doing really well. I had surgery on Feb 28 for one larger tumor (5 cm) and one “sister”/satellite tumor (found during intra abdominal ultrasound) and also am staged at T2b. I am doing adjuvant chemo right now…getting ready for round 3 (of 6 rounds) next week of gemcitibine and cisplatin just in case there were any microscopic cells floating around and that the chemo might kill them. We live on a lot of hope here.

    Hugs and hope for you and your hubby.

    Iowa Girl
    Julie T.


    Hi Surfer,

    This is excellent news about your husbands surgery!! Many thanks for sharing that with us all and I hope that his recovery continues equally well. A full recovery will take time but he is making great progress from what you say and please keep us updated on how things go for him.

    My best wishes to you both,



    Congrats on a successful surgery. I also had to take diuretics for swollen legs and belly. The walking also helped with this.


    Dear Surfer, a huge YIPPEE for a successful surgery. It does take time to fully recover from any of these CC grand openings but so glad your husband is moving steadily forward. Teddy loved the Carnation Inst. Bkfst, vanilla and I would blend in a banana. It can take the place of any meal. Hid ONC had told him to start just walking down and back on the driveway and like every 32 -3 days increase the walk until he is doing a good block and so forth. Everything in moderation. I am so very happy for you guys and you know the drill….keep us posted!


    That’s all good news to hear, negative margins and no nodes involved. The surgery is pretty rough and it really took my husband about 3 months to fully recover.

    Protein can be rough to get in. We still struggle with that. If you aren’t already using then something like Ensure, Boost or even Carnation Instant Breakfast. We bought a protein powder at GNC and added it to protein shakes that I made – frozen fruit, ice cream, milk and then yogurt and protein powder. He loved those. And if you don’t want to use frozen fruit then chocolate syrup or anything like that. I also made soups such as cream of chicken or cream of potato and made them with milk (Campbell’s, not from scratch) instead of water then added a couple of tablespoons of dry powdered milk.

    Hope things continue to go well. Be interesting to see what the ONC comes up with for chemo. My husband did 6 months of Gem and Oxaliplatin.



    My husband had his surgery six weeks ago yesterday. They ended up taking more liver than they expected since the tumor grew since his previous scan. It was a good thing he had the portal vein embolization procedure done so that they could take more liver. It was a long surgery but he did well. He was in the hospital for seven nights and then came home. He had a rough time with fluids in his belly and legs, and had to be tapped two separate times and was placed on diuretics and a low/no sodium diet to keep that in check. He was hospitalized overnight at three weeks out due to the fluids and difficulty breathing. They did an MRI to make sure everything with the surgery was working okay and it was. At six weeks, he is doing better and starting to do more every day. He’s lost over thirty pounds since his surgery. We are working on getting him to eat more (especially protein) and walking more. It’s a good thing he was in excellent shape prior to all of this.

    The pathology report indicated two satellite tumors in addition to the one tumor we knew about (making him stage t2b). We see his oncologist again next week and will discuss chemo plans. She said she wants him to do chemo but the specifics aren’t known at this time. It seems like the gem/cis he was on previously didn’t do too much to kill off his tumor so I’m wondering what the best cocktail will be. The did say they got negative margins and no lymph nodes were involved. We are just focusing on recovery at this point and will deal with chemo when it comes.

    Thanks for all the positive thoughts and prayers.


    Great news :-)


    Thank you all for the well wishes and positive thoughts. His surgery is scheduled for 4/21/14. I’m sure it will be here before we know it. So thankful he has this opportunity.


    Surfer, Congrats and lots of prayer for an easy and successful surgery.
    Keep posting and inspiring our CC family!!


    I have had two resections so please call me if you have any questions or just want to talk.
    Lisa Craine


    A tidal wave of good wishes is heading your way.


    That is heartfelt news. Sending positive energies and prays for a most successful operation and recovery. Truly a blessing.


    That’s wonderful news! congrats.

    Best wishes


    Brilliant news Surfer, thanks for sharing! Hope that the surgery goes well and my fingers are crossed for you! Please let us know how everything goes as well.

    My best wishes to you and your husband,



    Great news. Hoping all goes smoothly with the surgery and his recovery.


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