My husband Jack passed on Nov. 30

Discussion Board Forums In Remembrance My husband Jack passed on Nov. 30

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  • #67994

    Dear Bluebird,

    I too am sorry to hear of Jack’s passing. Yes, he is no longer suffering or in pain. Keep him forever in your heart and memories of better times.

    Glad you and your son were able to go away for the holidays. Yes, coming home is always hard, but atleast you had a distraction for a while and that too will be a good memory in the future.

    Take care.
    Love & Hugs,


    I would like to give my condolences on the loss of your dear husband Jack. I am especially sorry for your son. You sound like you have taken some healthy measures to help him cope. It’s wonderful that you went away together to add some lightness and distraction. Take care.
    Sincerely, Willow


    I would like to give my condolences on the loss of your dear husband Jack. I am especially sorry for your son. You sound like you have taken some healthy measures to help him cope. It’s wonderful that you went away together to add some lightness and distraction.
    Sincerely, Willow


    Dear Bluebird,
    I am so sorry for your pain. Praying for you and your family.


    Dear Bluebird,

    I am so very sorry indeed to hear of the passing of your Jack. Please accept my sincere condolences and know that my thoughts are with you and your family at this tough time. And please also know that we are all here for you as well.




    Dear bluebird,

    I am very sorry to hear of Jack’s passing. Suffering such a loss must be so difficult, but add in the holidays and it must be even more devastating. I pray that you and your dear son find comfort and peace in Jack’s memory. God bless you both.

    Love and hugs,


    Dear Bluebird, I am so very sorry to read about Jack and please accept my deepest sympathies. As you did everything right before, you are now doing everything right, again. Yes, it does take time for us to each find our “new Normal”. I hope that with the new year you and your son find many memories to wrap around you.


    I’m sorry I’m just getting around to letting you all know my husband Jack passed away on November 30 after a brave battle with CC. I was holding his hand when he passed in the hospital. I miss him so much. It has been hard on our 10 yr. old son. I took him to Sea World in Orlando for Christmas to help distract him. I think it was good for us both. It is tough coming back to a quiet house, though. I know time will help, but it is hard. We were married for 21 years. My son is getting therapy and will start a grief support group. I intend to join one too. I am happy that my husband is no longer in pain and is in Heaven, but I am sad for us. I pray that a cure is found so no one else has to suffer from this terrible disease. Thank you all for your support the last six months.

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