my husband Jon

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    Dear Alison

    Thanks for those words. I didn’t suffer paranoia such as you describe but I did have some wierd thoughts. eg for the first couple of days post-op I believed that Prof Lodge was lying to me when he said that the op had been successful. Eventually my wife was able to convince me that he was telling the truth. A few days post-op I went into a severe depression which was tough for my wife because I hardly talked to her – that lasted for a couple of weeks and I had councelling to help me through it.

    It really is very major surgery (Prof Lodge removed 75% of my liver so quite similar to Jon) and I guess we just don’t understand how the mind reacts to the severe anxiety pre-op (I’ll never forget saying goodbye to my wife the night before my op) and to all of the painkilling drugs etc.

    Best wishes to you and your family



    Dear Geoff

    Thanks for your message

    PLEASE do not have any regrets about letting us know about Proff Lodge , He and his whole team were absolutely wonderful and I too am convinced he is the best Liver surgeon in the UK and we did lot of research and read various articles by him , including one specificallly on the OP Jon had and were fully aware of the risks and the Odds.
    Jon was just very unlucky to get so many post op complications and to have them so severely . The encephalopathy and paranoia was so severe he ran out of the HDU twice, the first time pulling all his IV lines and epidural line out , convinced thet the staff were poisoning him and despite being warned about this it was very scary for both of us .

    It gives me comfort to hear that your operation was sucessfull because this is the only real option available in the UK and it needs to work .!
    Any money donated to Jon at the funeral will go to a fund at St James Leeds to help fund research and hopefuly improve the Odds in the future

    I would be interested to hear if you suffered any degree of paranoia or anxiety after your operation

    Once again many thanks and good luck for the future to you and your family


    Dear Alison

    I’m extremely sad to hear about Jon, and I feel the deepest sympathy for you and your family. As many others on this site have said, it’s a very cruel disease, and Jon’s passing brings that home to us all.

    I believe that you and Jon were investigating surgery by Prof Lodge at Leeds and you may recollect that I had similar surgery by him. He also warned me of a 10% chance that I wouldn’t survive such extensive surgery but what other options are there ? – like Jon, I decided to take that risk.

    I’m convinced that Prof Lodge is the best liver surgeon in the UK but in hindsight I feel that in recommending him to you I might have unwittingly encouraged you to proceed, and I’m deeply sorry for that.



    Dear Alison

    I have been thinking of you and Jon recently, knowing that Jon was going for surgery. I am so very sorry to hear about Jon. My heart goes out to you and your family at this extremely difficult time.



    Alison: My sincere condolences to you and your family. I have a tumor about the same size. Will finish 3D conformal radiation tomorrow but it will be 4-6 weeks before I know if any positive effect. Mean-while it is back to my regular Oncologist to try something else. May God provide you the strength during this difficult time. Jefff G.


    I have not posted on here very often , but I did post that my husband Jon was to have a liver resection on 21/11/06 .It was a very large tumour 7.5cm by 9cm and they had to remover about 80% of the liver .We were warned it was risky ,about a 1 in 10 chance of survival , but he wanted to take that chance. Unfortunately 12 days post op he had to return to Theatre to have his abdomen drainied , due to a severe infection , he then developed renal faliure . he was in the ICU hooked uo to all sorts of medication and a dialysis machine , they kept him sedated and on a respirator as after the inital op he developed encephalopathy and was very confused and paranoid. Unfortunately after 3 days in the ICU he passed away . All his family were with him and he looked very peacefull.
    I do not regert taking the chance on the operation and have the utmost praise for the surgeon and his team.

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