My husband just started a new clinical trial in NYC

Discussion Board Forums Clinical Trials My husband just started a new clinical trial in NYC

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    Hi Nancy,

    sorry to hear about your recurrence. I have read your posts and noticed you’d seen Dr. Bruckner. It’s great to hear that you didn’t have many side effects. It gives me hope for my husband if he decided to try chemo again, which he does not want to do.

    We also saw Myron Schwartz regarding surgery but opted not to have it done.

    Best of luck with your scan, you’ll be in my prayers as well.



    Hi, lulu07,
    If the last scan that shown recurrence is by PET scan; then I will suggest you the NEXT scan on 7/20 should use “CAT scan with contrast” of the chest, abdomen and pelvis.
    In doing so ,you can confirm that you did have” tumor foci” instead of false positive reading from the PET.
    God bless


    Hi Percy and Marion…thank you for your replies….after my scan on the 20th I have a list of questions to ask Dr Schwartz and the possibility of RFA is at the top of my list….I think I was just so shocked hearing I had a recurrence after 2 years that I just wanted to do something/anything pro-active….I have completed my cycles of chemo and am just waiting to have my scan so I’m praying and staying positive. I do fit all the criteria as of my last PET scan where as I have no other mets anywhere else even lymph nodes all arteries to liver are patent and CBD is wide open. Thanks again for your input I will let you know the good news!!! See staying positive!


    Nancy….I agree with Percy in that an appointment with an oncology radiologist is advisable. If you fit the criteria (including non-vascular invasion) radiation may proof to be beneficial.


    Hi, lulu07,
    If I may suggested, and if the size of your recurrence tumor< 3 cm and the number of te tumor is less than 3 , no mets to other parts of the body , RFA or microwave ablation may be a good choice. 2nd opinion by interventional radiologist from John Hopkins or NY Pres. is recommended.
    Less side effects and quicker recovery than surgery.less chemo agents to use for adjuvant chemotherapy if needed . Or none.
    God bless.



    I received chemotherapy from Dr. Bruckner….I actually saw Dr. Hirschfield who is also wonderful after my resection in 2010. He was at NY Dowtown Hospital at the time I had 6 months of adjuvant chemo which I tolerated extremely well….practically no side effects at all I went 2 days in a row. Unfortunately they moved to the Bronx as I’m sure you are aware. i now have a recurrence of my CC with 2 mass lesions in my liver. I live in Phillipsburg NJ and when I did go for an appt with Dr Bruckner it took me 3 hours with GWB traffic…..not thinking I could handle that kind of traveling I was referred to a new oncologist in Morristown who I like very much. However the chemo regiment I’m on is very grueling and I’m experiencing most of the side efffects. I go for a rescan with my surgeon Dr Myron Schwartz July see if they can be removed…which I pray they can…if not I have spoken with my family and if I need to receive more chemo I have decided I will go back to Dr. Bruckner and Dr. Hirschfeld….the low dose is really alot easier on the body and I for one don’t want to spend days in bed with side effects…Best of luck to you and your husband I will keep you in my prayers.


    Hi Susan,

    My husband was diagnosed in October 2010 Intrahepatic CC with mets to spine, lung and liver. He was on Gemzar/Cisplatin for awhile then Gem/Oxaliplatin and finally just Avastin.

    He stopped chemo in January 2012 and stopped the Avastin 2 months ago. His reaction to the chemo was severe and he was sick all the time.

    I would like Dan to try Dr. Bruckners low dose chemo as he insists he can control the side effects.
    We’re still in negotiations.

    I understand how you feel about giving up too soon, I have mixed feelings as well but it’s was horrible to see my husband suffer so much. He is better at handling the pain then the sickness. He is now able to get up and go to work everyday, even if its only for 1/2 day.

    I’m skeptical about the trial but praying for the best.

    Percy – thank you for the link.



    I think it is helpful to know what stage your husband was diagnosed origninally. We too have stopped chemo but feeling like “did we give up too soon?”.


    Dr. Howard Bruckner is using a different approach — his chemotherapy is to use more agents ( up to 5 or 6 different agents) combined together but at a lower dosage for each agents. He is not new to us on this web site; some of our members were treated by him at his NY office .
    Below is a link to see part of his treatment plans.

    God bless.


    I don’t have all the details yet but Dan is in his 3rd week of a clinical trial thru Dr. Howard Bruckner in NYC. It’s for metatastic cancer and consists of 2 pills and 1 shot every day for 6 weeks.
    I’ll post the name of the trial in the next few days.

    It was really by chance that we heard about this. My husbands boss was fostering a young boy in her home that was receiving the treatment and he was doing remarkably well. She kept pushing us to get more info. Dan reluctantly agreed and scheduled the appointment. When we arrived at the office and met with 1 of the doctors coordinating the trial he was curious that Dan had CC and wound up at this particular office where Dr. Bruckner is so well known.

    We met Dr. Bruckner also, and now may change oncologists. Even though my husband is no longer persuing chemo they are pushing their low dose chemo method. We’ll see…..

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