My husband was diagnosed Feb. 2009

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! My husband was diagnosed Feb. 2009

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    Hi Jenny,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us but I am glad that you have joined us all. And thank you so much for sharing Jeffs story with us all. That is quite some rollecoaster ride that you have been on and I am hoping for some good news for you on the 15th. I will keep my fingers crossed for you and Jeff.

    I do hope that you keep comiong back here as you will get a load of support from us all. And please feel free to ask any questions that you will have and I know that someone will be able to help. Looking forward to hearing more from you.

    My best wishes to you and Jeff,



    Thanks to all for the warm welcome. This really is such a helpful site. And so great for encouragement! Sincerely, Jenny



    Welcome aboard, our little crew is very helpful and supportive so visit often. Sounds like your husband has sure earned his stripes with everything he has been through, he is lucky to have you by his side.



    Welcome Schrums4 – You have a great community who are riding this roller coaster with you. Know that we are here for you and share your experience. Blessings, Susan


    Welcome Schrums4! The roller coaster seems to give all of us a once in a lifetime experience. I am new to the board and it has been wonderful.



    Hello Jenny and welcome to our site. I have been told that the surgeon can do their best and then the body has to do its job. Seems that Jeff had his share of side effects due to the surgery, but things appear to be on the upswing now. We call it the roller coaster ride of CC.
    Lung metastases are quite common and have been reported from several members on this site. (The google function is helpful in finding older threads discussing this issue.)
    I am happy that you have found us and I am sure for others to join in and share their thoughts with you also.
    Best wishes,


    Dear Schrums, all of you Welcome to our wonderful family. What a journey you have been through. Did you husband have a Whipple? Sending you best of luck and good wishes for the 15th. Please keep us posted.


    Hi, My name is Jenny and my husband Jeff, age 46, was diagnosed February 16th 2009. We have two girls, Samantha 21 and Sarah 18. We first went to Cleveland Clinic where Dr. Vogt was to remove the tumor. After approximately 4 hours in surgery it was decided the tumor was inoperable. They sent us home with little hope and gave him til October. Our PCP sent us to a wonderful oncologist who in turn sent us to UPMC in Pittsburgh. There we met with Dr. Clark Gamblin who felt that they would be able to remove the tumor. On May 8th after a 9 1/2 hour surgery he gave us the greatest news of our lives that the surgery was a success and they had removed all visible tumor. There was quite a lot of reconstruction and unfortunately the cancer cells were still there. So we did chemo from August until March of this year every week that our counts were good and would switch gemzar to ocsaliplatin ( sp.) every other week. Of course Jeff was so special that we had those 1 in 100,000 things happen!! In January of this year he had a hole in his lymphatic channel that leaked chyle into his abdomen, so Dr. Gamblin inserted a drain and fortunately it healed itself in about 8 days. Then again in August a hole reoccurred, this time it leaked into his lung. After draining the lung they found the cancer had moved into his right lung. He had a drain placed in each lung which we have been draining at home and has luckily slowed down alot! They also found this last time that he had an infection on his liver which they placed another drain and prescribed antibiotics so we are awaiting a pet scan on the 15th and hoping to have all drains removed and then be able to start on the chemo for his lung. Whew… It’s so nice to be on this site to know that there are others who understand what your going through. I am so grateful to have found the site and for all the wonderfully courageous people on here.

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