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    mumhazel….a bit puzzled by the oncologist’s response to your question re: chemotherapy. Definitely, reach out to center very familiar with this cancer.
    Please take a look at Helen’s site, based in the UK and perhaps try to reach out to her:

    Best of luck and please keep us posted.



    Hi, Lainy, thank you for replying so quickly, I am so glad I found this site.
    It is hard to stay positive when most sites are full of doom and gloom.
    I am so proud of her, she runs her own business as well as looking after the 3 kids and tries never to let this get her down, but sometimes the enormity of it all suddenly overwhelms her.
    Like so many people I keep asking why it happened to her, as she is very fit, has never smoked and rarely drank alcohol.
    She needs to know there are success stories so she will never give up.


    Dear Hazel, welcome to the best place to be for CC support but so sorry you had to find us. It is especially heartbreaking when young people get CC as we just don’t why, not yet anyway.
    Surgery is one of our most favorite words and your daughter is definitely doing the right thing by getting another opinion as that is another one of our favorite things….2nd, 3rd even 4th opinions! Different eyes and minds see different things. We have had many CC members with the same type of Diagnosis and have had Chemo after surgery. Your daughter has youth on her side and the fact that this was a successful surgery. We always try to remain realistically optimistic.
    I am sure that some more members will be along with their advice. Please keep us posted as we truly care.


    Hi my name is Hazel and I live in the UK. I am desperate to help my daughter as there is so little information out there about this disease.
    Last October my daughter, aged 44, started to have severe abdominal pains. Within a few weeks the diagnosis changed from indigestion to an Intrahepatic Cholangiocarinoma. She had her operation on the 18th of November where 20% of her livers left lobe was removed.
    On the bright side they were able to remove all the tumour with clear margins but the histology showed that the tumour was very aggressive. She was told that if the cancer re-occurs anywhere in her body it is likely to be terminal.
    Last week she went to see her oncologist and was shocked to be told that chemotherapy was not an option for her particular cancer.
    Looking on the Internet it appears that chemotherapy is given as an option to patients that fit my daughters circumstances, with a view that it might eradicate any rogue cancer cells that might have escaped into her body. She is trying to get a second opinion from another cancer specialist.
    as she has a 4 year old son and two teenage children and is desperate to watch over them whilst they grow up.
    Can anyone help me with positive information to give her specialist to support her case to get chemotherapy?
    She could be seeing the specialist within days so please reply as soon as possible.

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