My latest update

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    Hi Peter —

    Like so many others, I feel as if I know you.

    In my experience with DHMC (so far) I believe they are skilled and realistic — sometimes a hard combo to find in the “practice” of medicine.

    Alll my good wishes to you.



    Hi Peter,

    I am glad to hear from you and am sorry that you’ve been feeling poorly. It’s a relief to find out what’s been causing your problems, so now you’ll be able to address it in some way.

    Sending you some good cyber-hugs,



    Dear Peter,
    Sorry to hear about the new findings – I hope you find the best prognosis possible – you’re one of the great fighters that we all look up to. All the best to you!


    Good to hear from your again. Sorry there are new problems on the horizon. Just some input….my husband has had a couple rounds of Cyberknife to help keep the beast at bay. Every time a scan is due it is a breath holding event. Hope the results to your tests turn out to be better than you are anticipating. Keep the faith.


    Thanks for the update. I have been wondering where your wise words of wisdom had gone. (You and Jeff are definately the warm, steady calm voices of reason around here)

    I dont know what to hope for….a new, different cancer that is more easily treatable than cc or not. All I know is that I hope they deal with it and you get to keep food down and stay strong. I have missed you here.



    Peter, my husband, Teddy, had a Whipple 3 years ago and was diagnosed this last April with a mass where the duodenum used to be. 3 doctors recommended cyberknife the latest and greatest. The insurance company in its infinite wisdom said he cannot have cyberknife until he has had radiation. Of course not! Why should he have cyberknife for 3 sessions and be done when he can go through radiation 5 days a week for 5 weeks only to have cyberknife now in October? I just thought I would tell you that the doctors here said no to chemo (we would also) and that cyberknife is the way to go. I don’t want to add to your ulcers but was not sure anyone offered you this choice. Good to see you on board again. We hope you feel a heap better real soon!


    Greetings All,
    I’ve been pretty quiet lately. Dealing with steadily increasing GI problems, unable to keep food down, as well as other life changes. We now have an idea what the problems are so I thought I’d check in with an update.

    EUS Procedure today went well and was worth doing.

    Good news first. My pancreas and spleen appear to be in good shape and doing well. They also pumped what was left in my stomach which has given me temporary relief from the nausea etc this evening.

    They did find small ulcers at the top of the stomach near my esophagus and took biopsy’s to be sure there is no tumor behind it.

    They also found a large mass, almost certainly malignant tumor, either at the base of my stomach or into the duodenum…..I don’t remember which. This is out for pathology but the only question seems to be if it is a metastasis of my cholangio or a new cancer. It appears to be fast growing. I will be presented to the tumor board at DHMC and they will give me their recommendations.

    I’ve not ‘let all this in’ yet nor do I now have any idea of the choices I’l make to deal with it. I’ll get more information soon I hope. It is a relief to finally understand what has caused my GI distress and inability to keep any sold food down. I will only drink liquids now while contemplating what is next.

    It feels good to be home and sipping on a hot broth. There is no immediate crisis, rather it’s a time to learn and think about options.


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