My liver is a happy duck

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working My liver is a happy duck

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    Hi Kris – I’m SO SO happy for you! And don’t worry about what you wrote regarding not wanting to look like a cancer patient, I worry about the same thing! I know it will happen one day (a long time from now!), but I don’t want people to treat me any different, you know? Keeping weight on is a constant battle for most of us, so you didn’t express anything we all haven’t thought at one time or another.


    I lost 35 pounds between when I was diagnosed in December and February. I had problems with being able to eat until March. I had some extra padding, so I don’t look skeletol. The problem is I don’t have any clothes that fit now ;-). I am glad to hear things are going in the right direction.


    My husband and I sure were happy to hear how well you’re doing (and we enjoyed the other posts as well!!!).


    Hi Kris Im glad your numbers are looking better Janet


    Love to hear the good news Kris. And would love to hear about the Swedish summer now that you can enjoy it some.


    Kris, I totally agree with Sophie. We are always telling new people this is a great place to rant so then it should go for us old timers as well. You should not have even given it a second thought. Now go to sleep and dram of your cottage waiting for you!


    Kris, Kris, Kris – how could you offend anyone? We love you. All of us are so happy about your new information and your exhuberance. Patty is right; we’ve all toughened up alot. Don’t you go worrying about anything you might say on this site. We’re all family here. My great-grandparents were from Sweden. Charlotte Albertina Johnson married John Sundstrom. I have a special place in my heart for you, you little Swede. My grandmother always started grace with a Swedish prayer, and my daughter gave my little granddaughter Anna the middle name of Sundstrom. Enjoy that excitement and happiness for that good -take that you bad cancer-news.




    If you were here I would throw a party for your liver. And I think most people on this board are pretty thick skinned, dealing with this cancer toughens you up pretty quick. My mom always had a few extra pounds and when she started losing weight she kept saying, Look at me, I’m all teeth, but I think her smile was even cuter.



    Oh, I have had a stressful night worrying I might have offended someone when I said I didnt want to look like a cancer patient. We will all look like cancer patients at some point. What I meant is that I am afraid to look like a cancer patient because then I will feel like a cancer patient and people will treat me like I have cancer. I hate the thought of being treated differently. That is what I meant so please dont think I think looking like you have cancer is bad, just the way some people respond to it. Does that make sense? Please forgive me if I upset anyone.


    Hey, girls, guess what? All the extra padding we have is totally paid for!!! Probably the only thing we don’t owe on!


    Good news, Kris! We love to hear about your happy liver.

    I’ve got a little extra padding myself. I call it my “insurance” hahahaha! I figure it will give me a few more years.


    Hi Kris, I lOVE balloons! There are so many things balloons can do. Who doesn’t love a balloon. Keep the good news coming!!!


    I saw my oncologist today. Yesterdays bloodwork was fantastic. 2 of the 4 normal, the main one down from last week and .2 away from normal and the last higher, but it measures cell death and my oncologist said with chemo, you want cell death so it was good.

    Happy, happy liver. Soo I can continue with chemo!!! Yippee.

    AND I asked about the PET Scan-apparently I am not lit up like a Christmas tree. The uptake of the sugar in the cancer cells was minimal so she thinks that my cancer is not as aggressive right now as it could be. The spots in my liver and the big tumor in my stomach were both “diffuse” and in the case of the liver, the radiologist found it but she had a hard time distinguising it from normal liver. All sounds good to me. The lymph node is the brightest spot but even that wasnt too bright.

    My scans are being sent to 2 research hospitals in Sweden to see about surgery. Until then, I can have no radiation on the lymph node because that will make the surgery harder. And if I have surgery, they will take it out then anyway. They are still thinking no surgery right now as they want to shrink the tumor some, but she wanted to make sure.

    At the end of the meeting, I again pointed out that I have not given up to which she replied of course not and neither had she. So there you go, one more good cancer day for me.

    AND since my liver is so happy, I get to take antacids again. No more heartburn. AND I get to stop taking the steroids which has caused such hunger that I wake up in the middle of the night to eat because I am so hungry and because of that I have ballooned in weight. But even that is good because now I have “extra” padding to lose during the chemo process so I wont become a skeleton too soon. Call me vain, but I would rather be overweight in a country of skinny minnies than look like a cancer patient!

    What a good day. Off to plan my garden at the summer house.


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