My Lovely Ginger’s Visit.

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    Oh Lainy….you are by no means foolish or an old lady! I think it is important that those of us who have had experiences of contact made from those no longer in body share them to help ourselves (as you have stated) and to help others realize that the death of a body does not mean the end of a being, a soul. If our writing about it helps others to have an open mind, to be more aware of what is happening in the present moment (instead of trying to live in the past) then maybe others too will know the peace that comes with these visits. Yes, the hole in our heart will always be there, but knowing that our loved ones are still around brings so much comfort and trust that all is well. Peace to you Sister.


    Thank you, thank you, Karen, I don’t feel like such a foolish old lady now. It is a most unbelievable feeling, is it not? I so agree with you about that veil. Do you feel that the way we believe helps us heal faster. Not to forget mind you but to accept and believe.


    Oh Gerardo….YEA!! So happy you are open to visits from Ginger. I am sure she is reaching out to let you know all is well – she is just in another “space” than we are. That veil between this deminsion and the other is so very thin right now. I too have recorded visits from my beloved Rob and they are very welcome.
    In peace,


    OH, MY DEAR GERARDO, YES. Usually a first visit is to let you know that she arrived just fine, is healthy, happy and to take any worry away from you. If not that it will come. I too had a couple of episodes where Teddy’s picture popped up on the computer. Especially his Graduation picture from High School. Please don’t be upset or scared, instead welcome it and she will come around more. I know I may sound like a wierdo but I have a log of about 57 visits in these 2 years and it gets me through to read it. Watch for pennies on the floor, anything electrical going on and off, favorite music, TV going louder and softer, there is so much if you are open and alert to it. We actually do have quite a few believers on here in our club! What I can’t believe is that it has already been 3 weeks! Gerardo, I just spent 2 weeks in the hospital and I tell you I know Teddy was in my room every night all night! I slept with my door shut tight, they had notes for no one to wake me, like the LAB. Yet, every time I awoke during the night I heard sheets rustling in the room that were not mine. I even held my breath and lay very still but there were sheets rustling like from another bed! I would smile and go back to sleep. I am just thrilled that you are now a part of this privilidged club!

    P/S/ I found that when our loved ones first start coming around it is almost like they are testing their “powers”. Like Teddy would come through various lights until he found one he “liked”. Perhaps Maria’s visit was a sample of what Ginger can do and you passed with flying colors!


    Hello everyone,

    Tomorrow will be three weeks that my Lovely Ginger passed.I believe we got our first visit this evening from Ginger.I have over 100 pictures of her on my iPad.My daughter Stacie was logging in to the iPad.When one of the pictures pop up unexpectedly.I told Stacie to remove the picture,because its to recent for me and it makes me sad.It was a picture from our last Thanksgiving together from last year.I must mention that we went on our first date on a Thanksgiving,nine years ago.
    In the picture you can see my Mother,my Sister Laura and Ginger.On the picture,Ginger has her back towards the camera and my other sister Maria that was really close with Ginger.We never noticed that in this particular picture ,Maria is in front of Ginger standing sideways.After the picture popped up unexpectedly ,Maria walk in through the front door about ten seconds later.I don’t know what this means,if she was trying to tell me something.Maybe that Maria was about to walk in. Lainy I believe you are a strong believer in this types of events.My counselor did tell me to pay attention to everything around me.I want to think something good out of this event.Anyways I thought I’d share this with you.


    Thanks for reading.

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