My lovely Mark Green

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    I am sorry to hear this news. My sympathies to you and Marks family.



    I’m so, so sorry, Lorna. I send loads of good wishes winging their way to you.

    Love Julia


    Hi Joyce

    Thank you and I feel the same. We must celebrate our loved ones lives and be glad their suffering has ended and they passed away in their own homes where they wanted to be.

    Kind regards



    I am so sorry to hear about Mark, and want to offer my condolences. I now how difficult this is, but hang on to the thoughts that Mark is not suffering any more, and that you were able to provide him with his last wishes. That is the way it happened with my husband and I ,and it has meant a great deal to me to have been able to provide that for him. My thoughts and prayers will be with you.

    Joyce C.


    Thank you all for your lovely messages. I am so sorry Elaine for your loss of Gary as well and Amy for your mum and Darla and Lainy thank you too.

    L x


    I am so sorry for your loss. My heart breaks for everyone going through this, because I recently went through losing my mom, and I know how hard it is. We are here for you.
    I am glad that Mark got his wishes. I am so glad that we have the ability to give our loved ones the comfort of home at such a crucial time.

    Love, Amy


    Dear Lorna,

    I am so sorry for your loss. My husband, Gary, passed away on Oct. 13th, so the pain and loneliness is still very fresh for me. How wonderful that Mark was able to be at home surrounded by loved ones. I’m sure he felt your strength and support. The realization of the intimate journey the two of you went through fighting this battle will bring you comfort in the coming days.



    Dearest Lorna and to Mark’s wonderful family. We are so sorry to hear about Mark. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family.


    Dear Lorna,

    I am so sorry to hear that Mark has passed on. He was a fighter. I know that no words can help right now, but try to take consulation in the fact that he is no longer suffering or in pain. He has gone on to a better place. He will always be with you in your heart & memories. It is great that he was able to be at home & surrounded by loved ones in the end. You and everyone that loved him are in my thoughts & prayers.

    Love & Hugs,


    I haven’t been on this forum since last christmas when Mark was last in hospital, some of you might remember me. If so just to let you know that my brave, young (42 years) gorgeous fighter of a man Mark Anthony Green passed away on Friday 23rd October 2009.

    He wanted to be at home with all the people who loved him and we acheived that, as hard as it was towards the end we managed it and I wouldn’t have had it any other way, At lease he got his dying wish.


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