My lovely sister

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! My lovely sister

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    That is good news. I’m keeping everything crossed too!



    Lalupes….great news and much hope for your sister. Definitely, all fingers and toes are crossed.


    Thank you, Marion & Gavin, for that encouragement – & thank you, too, April for introducing me to I’ve gone on there & set up a blog – but I suddenly chickened out of putting up any details, as that all seems so public whereas this website (although equally public) feels much more intimate.

    I’ll get used to it, I’m sure- & when I get into my stride, I’ll put up the link. I hope I’ll be able to help others, like you’re helping me.

    The Consultant again said he is calmly confident that my sister’s tumour is operable (although borderline). They put another stent in this afternoon & now it’s just a question of waiting. Once everything’s drained, they can go in & (hopefully) “sort it out”.

    Fingers crossed again!!


    Lalupes – blogging is so very easy. I use or It walks you through the setup and it can’t be easier! There are other spots – and that are probably just as easy. I started with blogger and have stuck with that though.

    My mom has told me that through all of this her highlight is going to my blog to read about what is going on here and with the kids. I went through awhile where I was having a hard time blogging because I couldn’t get past her diagnosis. Then she told me she needed me to blog for her escape – and it has forced me to look past the bad things going on, to remember the good and to document that. I also blog for my local newspaper, but I have had to take a break from that because my heart isn’t into blogging for my community right now.

    I have thought about how to blog on our site about my mom’s diagnosis and I have yet to go there. I keep meaning to open up the Blogs folder here and see how others have tackled it.

    Good luck!


    Hi Julia,

    Thats good to hear that your mum is being helped by your updates on the site, any help at all we can get in this fight is good. I agree with Marion that a blog is a good idea and I’m looking forward to reading it! I’ve never done one either, maybe I should. I know at the Maggies Centre at Ninewells here in Dundee they encourage people to write about their experiences and even do a course in expressive writting.

    The waiting sure can be a pain in the butt. Waiting to see doctors, waiting for tests, waiting for results. It’s something that we’ve all been through and have to deal with and I’m sure you will get used to it. Your feelings of anger and frustration are also something we can all relate to. I know I’ve felt like that many times myself! Especially last year when my dad was just diagnosed. Hopefully your sisters consultant will have some more information for you all as soon as possible.

    My dads doing okay just now, although he has been really tired this week and spent quite a bit of time in his bed. Today should be a good day as its Friday and I’m just away to take him to his day care group at the Macmillan centre. They all have such a good laugh there, and they get well fed so he is happy! He was also at his horse riding on Wednesday and I managed to borrow a camcorder so was able to film him riding! He loved that and the film came out well, so all in all, a pretty decent week!

    My best wishes to you and your family.



    Great idea about the blog. You are so very right, Lalupes. When facing this cancer we gain strenghts never assumed possible.
    Sending all my best wishes,


    My mum said my updates on this site are helping her, too (particularly in the middle of the night) – so I’m going to try & do a blog. Never done one before & not sure how to start. Mind you, before we were hit by this, there were lots of things I didn’t think I could do …

    I’m discovering I’m tougher than I thought.


    Thank you, Gavin. The Consultant didn’t attend the meeting today so the only update we got was that there is no update to give. I’m upset & angry & frustrated but I’m still holding onto his comments of yesterday (i.e., that this is what they specialise in) & I just have to let go & trust them.

    I’m truly hopeless at the waiting game, but I’m learning … inch by painful inch.

    I hope your Dad’s doing well. Jx


    Hi Julia,

    Sounds like you and your sister had a good 24 hours together! You’re also sounding a lot more positive and hopefull, which is good to hear. I’m also glad that your sister has met her consultant and that you all feel a bit calmer now. It would have been very re-assuring for you all to hear that this is what he and his team specialise in.

    I hope the meeting goes well today and I will be keeping everything crossed for the best possible outcome.

    Best wishes.



    I’m cautiously hopeful for some better news today. My sister met her Consultant for the 1st time yesterday (he’s been on holiday) & she really liked & trusted him. He reassured her that, although it’s rare & it’s complicated, it’s what he & his team specialise in. We all feel calmer now.

    The medical team has its big meeting about her today. Fingers, toes, eyes & everything-else crossed for a more positive response than we’ve had so far.


    Yes, we are Lalupes. Good night to you.


    We are going to fight this. Together.

    Good night all.


    24 hours is a lovely long time, when you’re living totally in the present & enjoying it.

    We had a gorgeous day & the 24 hours from 7.00 yesterday evening, when we got back to her place, to 7.00 this evening, when I took her back to the hospital, felt like a full week’s holiday!! :D

    Tests start again tomorrow.

    love Julia


    I agree with Lainy and Kris. When I was in the hospital, I would wake up with a smile and be friendly to the nurses and doctors. Although I will fight until the end, my faith tells me where I will end up. That gives me great comfort, and makes it possible for me to have a good attitude while at the same time fighting for my life.

    Each and every life is precious to God, and he puts us here for a reason. I want to stay here until He is done with me.


    I’m at Sue’s now & she’s gone to bed. It’s so lovely to be here & to hear the TV coming from her room. It feels peaceful & “normal” & that’s such a calming experience for me.

    I love the image of your white & red polka-dot pyjamas, Kris. Sue wears similar clothing – plus a multi-coloured silk dressing-gown – & she has all the other patients smiling throughout the day. I’m so proud of her.

    Bless you all. Sleep well. Tomorrow is another day. xx

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