My Mom

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  • #56478

    Dear PAk, WOW! Your Mother has really been through it over the last 10 years. I am wondering ifyou have tried calling any of the other BIG Hospitals that treat CC and asking for an opinion. I am glad you contacted MD Anderson and now it’s the wait game again. It is good though that your Mom is feeling ok at least you ahve that plus. Please keep us posted as we all really care.


    pak001, welcome. It is really hard on a person when their mom has health problems. Please accept my prayers and thoughts as you and your mom start this journey and please come back and share.


    pakoo…..welcome to our site. I can relate to your frustration of not being able to obtain a second opinion from another clinic and you are right – people should be treated equally regardless of whether they are privately or government insured.
    I am wondering: the surgeon you have consulted with – is it the same surgeon who had operated on your Mom previously?
    You may still be able to obtain another opinion from a cancer or physician “very” familiar with this cancer by calling a few other centers. Until others have a chance to share some names of physicians you might want to take a look at our member established data base:
    Sorry for it being so lengthy (some day we may just display it in simpler form) but scrolling through might not take too much of your time.
    You would also want to visit with a radiation oncologist. The location and invasion of major vessels may prohibit interventional radiology, but you would want to have that confirmed by an expert in this field.
    The good news is that your Mom is not presenting any symptoms and appears to be in good physical state.
    Again, I am glad that you have found us. This is the place to be for support, information, and understanding when it comes to this cancer. We are in this together.
    All my best wishes,


    It was the surgeon who told us surgery was not an option because of the location, too close to arteries/veins. He thought it may have invaded the arteries/veins.
    My mom will be 72 years of age. Has been healthy since her left lobectomy 10 years ago. We’re seeing the surgeon again, I plan to ask again exactly why surgery is not an option. We’re at the Cleveland Clinic. I called Mayo, but unfortunately, they do not accept Medicare HMO insurance. It’s a shame in this country that hospitals can refuse to treat patients due to type of insurance. Money and profits greatly out weighs human life. Sad…


    May I ask is the surgeon that said no to the liver resection of the caudate lobe a liver surgeon or just a GI surgeon?
    For some info.about radioembolization,please read the experience forum under the heading of radiation options.
    How old is your mom and is she healthy enough to have surgery?
    As far as I know,surgery is the only possible cure.
    Radioembolization is for prolonging the life of the patient only.
    God bless


    Three months after initial CT scan, my mom diagnosed with adenocarcinoma, probable CC. We’re waiting for call from MD office with appt to discuss treatment options. My concern is the location of the tumor, the caudate lobe. I’m wondering if anyone else has tumor in the caudate lobe and if so what your thoughts are about y sheres. The positive thing is that she has one tumor 4.5cm x 4cm and she is asymptomatic. She’s in good health despite this cancer. She has history of kidney cancer and left liver lobectomy 10 years ago. The ct scan was done because I requested her PCP to order one to check on her kidney status due to hx of kidney cancer. Please, any information would help. I figure, she’s doing fine with the tumor this size, if they can shrink it and keep her from getting symptoms. Surgery is not an option according to surgeon due to location.

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