My Mother age 55 diagnosed with CC – PT3N1, Mumbai, India

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! My Mother age 55 diagnosed with CC – PT3N1, Mumbai, India

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    Dear Sushant, welcome to our wonderful family, sorry you had to find us but you have come to the best place to be. My husband had a Whipple and it seems most “Whipplers” do get a complication. Probably because it is the biggest surgery to the human body. Not life threatenting like, heart surgery but a big surgery so there is a chance for some bumps in the road while healing. May I ask what the complications are? Since the METS are small I wonder if the Surgeon would consider Cyber Knife IF it can be done in that area. Teddy had C.K. and it was painless and bought him another 2 1/2 years. You have been doing everything just right and I want to say don’t listen to statistics about Mom as we were not born with expiration dates stamped on the bottom of our feet. I like to say we try to be realistically optimistic.
    Very wise to get 2nd/3rd opinions if for no other reason than validation then you will never look back with regrets. Does the ONC have a plan for treatment in the future? Try to be very patient as it take awhile to heal from this Surgery. Please keep us updated as we truLy care!



    I live and work in London and currently in India to see through my moms treatment.

    My mother is still in the ICU battling some post operative complications from Whipple’s surgery.

    She went to the doctor on 20th Feb with painless jaundice (probably after a week of minor symptoms appearing). Even though it was a doctor in a small town in India (not Mumbai), they immediately asked for an ultrasound be done. Based on that the doc recommended further testing (MRCP). We then moved to Mumbai and MRCP, CT, Endoscopic Ultrasound and PET/CT Scan showed Distal Bile duct Cholangiocarcinoma. (FNAC was negative during surgery)

    Dr. Jagannath is a well known surgeon (probably the best) in India in Hepato billiary oncology. He figured it was resectable and conducted the Whipple’s surgery on 18th March 2013.

    Because she had bilirubin levels around 6 during operation, as no stenting was done, the recovery is taking time.

    I saw the biopsy report yesterday. It says stage is PT3N1 – 9/20 peripancreatic lymph nodes are metastatic. The tumor had started spreading to pancreas with mild differentiation seen. Although the margins are free of tumor with closest margin on pancreas 1 mm.

    We are just hoping and praying for her recovery from the surgery and then think about the next steps. Not sure what the prognosis is at this stage (statistically very depressing I think) but we will fight till the last option available!

    I guess the next steps for me are:

    1. Take second/third opinions on all reports
    2. Plan for chemotherapy etc..
    3. Prepare for the expenses and plan relocation as per 1 and 2..

    Will appreciate any comments / information on the above.

    Thanks everyone for being so amazing and for the people who put this site up.. it is a relief that I can find knowledgeable opinion from around the world here..


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