My mother’s updates

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    Fatema, I would expect ‘stationary’ to be good, but I would discuss the meaning of that terminology with the radiologist. I think dormant, stable and stationary are used interchangeably, but I would prefer clarification from the radiologist. No need to guess here.

    My take on the number of cycles is that three may be too soon to see a material change, if there is going to be one. Again, your mom’s onc can probably give you a better read here too.

    I play ‘stupid’ with my doctors and ask lots of questions (and keep a careful journal so I don’t repeat the questions … these things [cc] are journeys rather than events). Mine is now over three years and counting.

    Wishing you the best in getting the very best care for your mother.


    Dear Fatema,

    I would say it is a good thing that they are the same and have not grown. Of course, we would all like to see them shrink. Sending good wishes and prayers to you.

    Love, -Pam


    When we hear stationary or stable that is good. Not sure about the length of chemo to see results as Teddy never had chemo. More good luck to come, I hope.


    I want to share my mother’s updates, today she had her CT scan follow up the radiologist told me that her masses are considered “stationary” i don’t know if this is good or not, actually i wished that some of those masses could shrink but i don’t know if 3 cycles of (GEMOX+Erbitux) is not sufficient to decrease size of the masses.

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