My Mum, 49yo in Australia

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! My Mum, 49yo in Australia

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    Hi everyone. I hope you all had a great easter. It’s time for yet another update, as mum saw her HPB surgeon again today.

    The news is mixed. Firstly, they are very glad they decided not to operate as the risk was overwhelmingly high, and there’s a good chance she would have experienced liver failure. Secondly, she is experiencing portal hypertension as the tumor is now pushing on the vena cava. As a result, the surgeon knows he needs to treat the portal hypertension and shrink the tumor, as he cannot remove it now.

    With this, the surgeon has decided mum will have SIRT therapy. Which, I have read a little bit about on these boards and know there’s been plenty of success. Once again I was unable to attend the appointment so there are many questions I will want to ask. The surgeon is still persistent that the tumour is ‘dead’ and they will be monitoring her regularly after the SIRT therapy. Not sure about plans for how often/how much etc at this stage. I’m not sure what the ideal dosing/schedule would be? If he’s confident the tumor is dead then the aim is to shrink it with hopes that one day it can be removed (at least not for a year he said). He also said she likely fits the criteria for SIRT (accessible through the public health system), however if she doesn’t he will ‘make sure she does’. Which is good to know.

    Any information about SIRT from reliable sources you could provide would be fantastic, as I haven’t read a great deal into it. Thanks so much everyone!


    tiah……the negative biopsy report is great news; the emotional setback not so good, but take some comfort in knowing that surgery is held back for good reasons.
    Hang in there, dear Tiah, we are rooting for you.


    Dear Tiah, FRUSTRATION, thy name is Cholangio! Talk about a roller coaster ride, I am so sorry to read this but hope the Doctor can get in and do the deed very soon! Sometimes I think these things happen because the timing is off. Let’s hope for better news from the DOC and sending Mum my very best!


    Hi everyone, just an update.

    Since seeing the surgeon last, mum had another endoscopic biopsy on 2 “concerning” looking lymph nodes. The results were fine, no tumors identified.

    Her most recent bloods (2 weeks ago),showed CA-19-9 is 1.9 – extremely low. The surgeon informed us today he is postponing the surgery (which she was supposed to have in 2 days) because her LFTs are still elevated since the Portal vein embolization.

    It’s safe to say we were a bit cut up with that news. She is having another CT and bloods tomorrow and we should know more about when he will be comfortable to perform the surgry. The surgeon seems to think the tumor is “dead” , so he’s not concerned about it spreading.

    I haven’t been able to go to the appointments so I’m not getting to ask the questions I want to, which is making it difficult for myself and I feel very emotionally drained after today’s news as I was expecting her to have the surgery with a positive outcome this weekend.

    I will keep you all posted



    So glad to read about this very promising turn of events. Wishing your Mom a successful surgery!



    Dear Tiah,

    I wish for successful surgery, but if some reason they can’t do it, the radiation also sounds very positive. We were heartbroken when they closed my mother back up, but the radiation has given us over a year with her still feeling great and treatment free.

    Best wishes,


    Good luck



    Hello, Dear Tiah and thank you for the positive update, this is all good news! I know it is very far from funny but I think we should have banners made to hang up that say, “I will not know anything until I do the surgery, what I will find.” It really is such a true statement. We just keep hoping and praying for the best outcome. On March 11th we will all be crowding the surgical room with all our spirits wishing for the very best. Thank you so much for this update!


    Hi everyone! Time for another update. I can’t believe it’s now 6 months since my mothers diagnosis. Time really does fly by.

    My mum had a portal vein embolisation 5 and a half weeks ago, she was very fatigued to start with and experienced some pain. Since then, she’s been doing well although she does get lethargic so she manages this by napping during the day. She is also finding it very hard to eat much, I think because the liver is pressing on her stomach. She says she is never hungry anymore. She’s lost 9.5kg since the procedure, however she is still at a very healthy weight thankfully.

    We also got her a fantastic wig because she was feeling very self conscious about her hair, having lost nearly all of it, and her wig looks amazing! However, her hair has already been growing back since finishing the Chemo at Christmas time. She’s been using Nioxin to wash her hair which we feel is helping.

    As for moving forward, she has been scheduled to have surgery on 11th of March! We saw her surgeon today who said she has 30% healthy liver which means he should be able to resect and have her survive off this much liver.

    He is not 100% confident that he will be able to remove the entire tumor, but he has said that he will not know until he attempts to operate. If he cannot remove the tumor with a clear margin he will not proceed with the surgery. He has already registered her for a new clinical trial at the Royal Adelaide Hospital for a new radiation procedure, which kills only tumor cells and not healthy liver cells. I wasn’t able to get any extra information as I could not attend the appointment today, but I’m hoping to find out some more soon.


    Tiah….great news. I hope and wish for someone to share their first hand experiences with portal vein embolization; in the meantime though you may want to use the search function for previous postings. There are many.


    Hey everyone, a further update after seeing the HPB surgeon.

    Mum will be having a portal vein embolization within the next 2 weeks to kill off the half of the liver with the tumor in it, and also to enlarge the healthy part of the liver. After 4 weeks she will have another scan to see if the liver is large enough to progress with resection.

    After resection, there is a possibility that not all the tumor can be removed still due to the closeness to the vena cava. If there is any remaining they will look into radiation.

    Has anyone else had a portal vein embolization before? If so, did the liver regenerate enough?



    Great news Tiah, thanks for sharing that with us all! Fingers crossed for your mum and the surgery!

    My best to you both,



    That is great news! Keep us updated when you know more. Yes, a very happy new year. :)


    Thanks guys! We are very satisfied with how well FOLFIRINOX has worked. Definitely a chemotherapy regime for those who are young or fit/healthy to consider, as while it has been successful in this case, it is a very nasty chemo and by 8 rounds it can really wreak some havoc with your body.


    YIPPEE!, Tiah, good news indeed! And this gives hope to many others as well. YIPPEE! Tell your Mother her cheering section is getting ready! This is the Happiest of New Years!

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