My new road: radiation?

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    Yeah, Kris, music to my ears. Ride that Scooter like you are traveling forever! Enjoy, I am so happy for you!


    I had stereotactic. I got the “poor man’s” (I like that) scan to make sure I was lined up, then the machine did little movements and then 30-40 second bursts. Then movement, then 30-40 second burst. About 10-15 times. Took about 20 min. total when the machine wasn’t acting up.
    I was just a little tired. Not too bad. I have a few “twinges” in my abdomen and stool issues, but I’m figuring the twinges mean the radiation worked!!!!!
    It hasn’t stopped my poker or karaoke, but it did make me cut down on the motorcycle a little, which I had already done… but I get my scooter back today so I can ride again!! Look out world!
    BTW, my saying is now that I’m not gonna stop ’cause I don’t want “it” catching me!! :)


    Amen to the tiredness, but since I finished up in June, all good now! I also had it every day 5 days a week with oral Xeloda too for a total of 5 weeks. first 3 weeks I continued to work out, but the last 2 and about 2 weeks afterwards I just listened to my body because it was tired! This is the first week I’ve hit the gym with weights 2x, last week only 1 time, but I’ve been running (ok, jogging) 3-4 days a week getting ready for my tough mudder deal in December.

    Kris, a question: you mentioned different angles, did they shoot the radiation, stop, reposition the machine, shoot again? I had a continuous burst for about 2 minutes where the machine did a 360 degree revolution, pause, then another 2 minute burst with 360 degree rotaton, and that was it. Poor man’s CT at the initial part of each visit to line me up, but overall I was in and out in roughly 10-15 minutes… Just curious. Anyway, glad you’re done, let’s hope for some good results on the next scan!


    Yea!!!! Rest up and let that radiation work its’ magic. Maybe a little singing…
    Be good to yourself Kris. Celebrate the small, wonderful gifts around us everyday.


    Yep, radiation is done. I’m going for a m/c ride tomorrow morning I think. It’s HOT and HUMID here today, with thunderstorms….
    Lisa: You BET we got this!!! I’m praying no outside effects means lots of inside work getting done. I pray that we both get great news within the next couple of months!!
    Hugs to all!


    Kris…you did it. Will you be up for a motorcycle run with Karen?
    Gavin, your cheerleading outfit is a Kilt, right?


    Kris…we are done today with radiation today….we did it ! Now e prayers that the tumors are gone. Xxoooo


    I’ve learned if I want answers I need to ask and keep pushing. I am my own advocate. And I don’t like answers that don’t well me anything. I like things explained to me. And i will call the office again and again until I get a clear to me answer. And if they talk over my head, I ask them to rephrase it until I understand. My onc is famous for non-answers. I end up having to reach one of her staff to get clear answers because Dr. Kemeny is so hard to get hold of…
    Today is the 5th and FINAL radiation treatment. I am so happy to be almost done. And except for some tiredness and blood counts a little low, I have no side effects. Skin looks good. They told me what to look for and to make sure I don’t expose it to sunlight without protection. I showed her my SCAR on my abdomen and said “Do you really think this will ever see the light of day again?” HAH! I don’t THINK so.
    And Gavin: That’s a sight I want to see!! Or don’t I??? You in a cheerleading outfit!! :)
    Thanks for all the support everyone!


    I wish you all the best! You’re so brave and fiesty. I’ve had to push to get answers We needed. Keep pushing! !! Much love and support to you Kris!


    Thanks, Susie.


    One more to go…go Kris…go Kris !!!!!!! At my six week scan the results were still not clear because the tumors were still there but several months later they were gone……….I am praying yours are gone and you can have surgery…how exciting!!!


    yay Kris!!



    Glad to hear it is going well. I’m sure they talked to you about this but make sure you take care of your skin. I was told to use aquaphor.
    I did not get a radiation burn, but my skin got a little tan. I used the cream everyday after treatment. How is your throat feeling?
    Hang in there, you will be done before you know it.

    Marion, 50/50 is a movie about a young man in his 20’s getting cancer and how he deals with it. It is sad, but with some funny parts.

    Take care everyone!



    Go Kris!!! Great news and heck yes it sure is time to cheeerlead for you!!! I’ll go get changed into my cheerleaders outfit!!




    Kris…the cheerleading team is right behind you. You go, girl.

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