My new road: radiation?

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    I am glad it finally happened for you. Now I hope that radiation gets in there and takes care of business!! take care and try to relax.

    Love, -Pam


    Thanks everyone. I was scheduled for 3pm. At a little before 2 they called and said to come at 4pm. Of course, I had already taken my Xanax… Got there at 4pm. At 5pm they finally took me back. I informed them my Xanax was now 3 hours into my system and I sure hoped it was still gonna work… After an hour I was done. Testing, scanning, testing, checking and then finally radiation.
    I feel pretty good except that I was getting a headache from the folded up sheet under my head… an hour of not moving. Hard to do for a fidgit like me.
    Thanks for everyone’s support. It was a tough couple of days. I’m emotionally exhausted. Thankfully I feel fine.


    Sending tons of positive thoughts for your radiation zapping today! It was quite the ride to get here! Sometimes doctors get too wrapped up with the disease and forget about the person. Good job educated them Kris! Hugs. Nancy


    Good luck today Kris. Prayers of healing and grace coming your way as you start down this new trail.


    I think with all the CT scans, MRI, etc…. I’ve been my own night light for a while!!!! This will just make me “brighter”!! HAH!!!


    Why the nerve of these “calculating” people! But, all’s well that ends well. I am elated and sending much good luck to you, Bionic woman! I knew you had a personality that radiated! Hey, now you can be your own night light!


    Radiation is back on. I just wish they had spent the 5 minutes explaining to me why this morning! Apparently someone looked at some of the physics calculations and was not happy with them. So they redid them today and are now happy with the calculations. Why couldn’t the guy have said that this morning?? Radiation is scheduled for 3pm tomorrow now. Just 1 day delay.
    I told the doctor I would have really appreciated knowing this in the morning instead of worrying about what the problem was all day long. I told him how I had a horrible day stressing about what the problem could possibly be and IF I was going to get radiation. He apologized, but it wasn’t my doctor that called. It was an associate…. at least I got to say something to someone.
    And he also said “your tumor”. I corrected him and asked that he not say that to cancer patients. It is NOT my tumor. I don’t want it. He laughed and said he understood since he is also going thru treatment….. at least he understood. Hopefully he remembers.


    Aw, Kris. Anxiously awaiting some better news here in Phoenix! If wishes would come true I am wishing for them to get on with the show!


    Oh Kris….I am with you – this is soooooo upsetting. What on earth swayed his opinion on the day of the proposed treatment?


    Scratch that last post. I’m leaving it up anyway… Fox Chase just called and they want more time to evaluate my situation. They’ve had a week!!! So they cancelled my radiation! I can’t believe it. I’m so upset about ANOTHER delay in my treatment. I’ve lost count… chemos delayed, surgery delayed, etc., etc.
    I want to get to the top of one of these damned ladders and stay there for a while. I’m tired of the chutes getting in the way. I can’t use the rollercoaster theme because at least there you can see the uphill in front of you.

    The doctor will be calling me this afternoon. I hope he has a good reason. I might start tomorrow: I might not. I LOVE these guessing games. I GUESS he will tell me today. UGH!! is not strong enough but I already swore once on here…


    Kris….know that you have a tidal wave of support rushing your way. I will be thinking of you and can’t wait to hear that everything turned out great.


    I start radiation at 2pm this afternoon. Stereotactic 3d imaging. Dr. Fong and Dr. Meyer (radiologist) talked last week after I got my tats, etc. I guess I find out today what they discussed. I still don’t know if I am getting radiation to both tumor and lymph node(s) or just lymph node(s). I guess it doesn’t really matter, either…. side effects will most likely be the same. Dr. Meyer said he had no concerns about the tumor. It’s the lymph nodes between all those organs that are much more dangerous… intestine, duodenum, pancreas, and the “good” bile ducts…. I sure hope they have a steady hand!!!
    Needless to say, I’m quite nervous about today… I think it’s gonna be an extra Xanax day.


    Glad you had a good 4th, Kris. I am not into Veggie burgers either but I LOVE burgers. We do have something else in common beside CC! I too have freckles! I used to tell the Grandkids that I swallowed a dollar bill and broke out in pennies!


    Actually the pump is not new. Fox Chase quit using pumps a few years ago.
    I went in this morning expecting a CT scan, MRI, mapping, tattoing, and a simulation. Dr. Meyer said about 3+-4 hours….
    I was in for my CT scan by 9, NO MRI (he didn’t need it), mapping, tattoing and simulation. I was out of there by 10. Something that actually worked!! WOO-HOO!!! And the tattoos are smaller than my freckles. Just little tiny dots. Felt like tiny pinpricks.
    They told me my breathing was really shallow. I said that was because I was on drugs for the MRI. And I always breathe shallowly when I lay on my back… I think that’s why they didn’t need the MRI. Because the nodes didn’t move much since my abdomen doesn’t move much when I’m relaxed….
    Just gotta remember to take Xanax before every treatment!! :)
    And Lainy: I had a good day yesterday. Went out with a friend to one of her friend’s houses. It was a fun veggie picnic. I had my first veggie burger. Not impressed. But I don’t like hamburgers either, so… Hung out by the pool and chatted.
    I hope you got some rain!


    Wow, Kris, thanks for the Pump 101. Guess I just assumed that when someone invents/improves something that will aid mankind, they would want everyone to be able to use it. I am so naieve even at my age! Any plans today? My daughter is coming over and we are doing Salmon on the Grill. She is not in to beef/pork and the kids are gone so we can chillax by my apartment pool. We are expecting our first storm though since March! Everyone is more excited about that then the 4th!

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