My One Year Mayo Clinic Report

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working My One Year Mayo Clinic Report

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  • #87195

    Julie – This is fantastic news! Like Porter said, move on and enjoy as much as you possibly can in between future checkups. You got this! We’re continuing to root for you. xoxo


    Yipee, I mean we all knew you were in the clear. I did want to point out that I got a chest ct, demanded it this time after surgery. They pointed out nodules in my lungs as well. They called them pulmonary nodules. Same ones that apparently have been there for years like 4mm, never have changet size, and said most likely from residuals from infection. So at first the worried me of course and it clearly states these are not metastatic disease and sounds like thesecond little nodules are common eh?
    Well hope u have or go celebrate soon Julie. Move on, go enjoy. Take a break from this crazy roller coaster ride. Keep on keeping on. So happy you got clear results! Just as I expected. ;)


    Vickie…..I’m soooo glad to see you iputting on a post…….will be in touch with you very soon. Yes, you were right…..your “good feeling” was spot on accurate….and a lot better than my predictions. I didn’t have a good feeling about this visit, so the good news was especially good to receive.

    Julie T.


    Congrats, Julie keep posting good news and inspiring others!!
    Lots of prayers for continued good health!


    Hoping and wishing for the same, dear Vicky.


    Vicki, So glad to see you posting. Hope that means you’re feeling well again.


    Hey Julie!! I am so very happy for you!! Remember I told you that I had a really good feeling about your upcoming scan. This is an answer to prayer!! xoxoxoxo


    Brilliant news Julie, majorly chuffed for you!! Time to celebrate big time I would say!!





    So wonderful to hear- I love reading the Good News stories and this one was exceptionally great!

    Take care and enjoy those babies,




    What great news. So happy for you.



    HI, Girlfriend! I already answered your E mail but want to give you a big public YIPPEE! I am doing my cartwheels. Perhaps I should slow it down to a tap dance. I am over the moon with your report! Get ready now for the little man to come! Won’t be long now.


    Hi Everyone, We just got home from our trip to Mayo Clinic at Rochester, MN. The day started early with a blood draw at 7:30 a.m….followed by a lot of confusion and deliberation about what kind of scan I was going to receive. The radiologist was more than concerned about me getting another CT with contrast to check for recurrent CC. since I’d had a questionable reaction to the contrast last time. So, it was decided between the radiologist and oncologist that I would go ahead with a CT, but without contrast, just of my lungs/chest area…and then do an abdominal/pelvic MRI with contrast for the rest of it. That really increased our testing time out of the day, but it ended up with the best possible circumstances. They got really good pictures, according to my Mayo oncologist and the proclamation is that there was no evidence of recurrent cancer anywhere they had scanned. The nodules that had been seen in my lungs have been stable and have not grown. Dr. Domingo (oncologist) said that IF they had been CC, they would have grown and they were no longer concerned about them. I’ve had many upper respiratory infections over the years, including too many bouts of pneumonia, so some of what they are seeing are remnants of infections .

    In our discussions, we talked about IF the CC returns…..he would expect it to more likely return in the area of the liver again…..not at some distant place….because everything was contained in the liver at the time of the surgery.

    So, the news is fantastic!!! Right after telling me that there were no recurrences, then he said, “You had a rare cancer….and you’ve beaten the odds.” Now, I know I’m not out of the woods….and I know it can come back down the road, but I knew what he meant. He was very happy…and very positive and obviously celebrated being able to tell me that. We talked again about the surgery….and the wide (2.2 cm) clean surgical margin and he mentioned that the bigger, clean margins make all the difference. IN my case…it was clean all the way to the one big (5.5 cm) tumor. The right side of my liver has grown amply enough to compensate for the left side I lost.

    At two years, the risk of the cancer returning will tip more heavily in my favor. He was very encouraged by the fact that the CC has not shown any signs at this point. For now…..I am going to say my prayers of thanks…..and again….thank you all here for being here for me…for everyone else. In a month or less, I’ll be a new grammy again…..and I told my onc that he had to promise to keep me around and healthy ….to keep away the CC….to babysit this little guy. His reply was, “If it were in my power to do that, you know I would. “

    Julie T.

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