My Sister

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    tanoland….I am sharing your joy


    I’m so glad to hear the scan was good and she is more stable and comfortable, sometimes it’s the small prayers that get answered but there is always research going on so I am going to keep praying the big prayers for your sister, too.



    They took my sister in today and realized that there are no mets to her brain. YEA!!!!!!!!!!!! They decided it was high blood pressure, stress, and we all know the rest. She is resting comfortably. They hooked her up to an I.V. full of good drugs. They did tell us this would be her last Christmas and I am at peace with that. I love her so much and she is so special. I wish you all knew her. And I am sure you all feel the same about your loved ones as well.

    Everyone have a wonderful day:)


    I just wanted to say you are a good sister and I know what you are talking about when you say you can’t stop the suffering. I knew my mom was going to die but there was a point I wished I could at least do the suffering for her.



    Well, I will be thinking good thoughts for her and you as well. Hopefully the scans will bring you some peace. I know that before I get a scan, I get so worked up I give myself stress migranes and random pains in me stomach. The mental stress really does a number on me and perhaps that is what is getting to your sister. I dont know, but that is what I hope it is. Please let us know how it goes.





    It just seems now there is so much suffering. So much pain medication. And I have no clue what to expect. She has been my best friend for 40 years and I can’t stop her suffering. I think things will get more under control once she has her scans done. I believe tomorrow. Thanks for caring enough to respond.


    I am so sorry your sister is having problems, I wish I knew if those were side effects of chemo or not. I hope those scans show nothing but good news. I am so close with my sister and I know how my cancer has affected her. Sisters are very special.



    We found out a couple of months ago that her chemo (gemzar and zeloda) had quit working. Her tumors were growing. So they started her on Taxol and something else. They are supposed to scan her again and do another treatment next week, but right now she is having severe head pain and severe stomach pain. Could the cancer be attacking her that fast or are these side effects.

    I am so scared they are just going to tell us that the cancer has just taken over and she is going to die.

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