my sister has cc

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    Dear SRP, I am so sorry to read about your sister, but welcome to our remarkable family and sorry you had to find us. Your sister has really run the gamut, I certainly hope she starts feeling better really quickly. The best you can do for her is to be VERY strong so that she can draw on your strength. I am going to the other post you made as I wanted to address that one and can’t remember what you wrote. Just know that you have come to the right place as we all truly care.


    My sister, who turned 56 last Saturday was diagnosed with cc on Aug 1. She passed out at home and called 911. She has been through so much already.She has only been at home for 3-4 days at a time since the diagnosis.She has an intrapatic tumor and, an extraptic tumor. The intrapatic tumor has artery and vessel involvement so is not a candidate for surgery at this time. The plan is for chemo with gemcitabine and cisplatin 2 x month for 2 months , then scan, if tumor shrinks,then surgery, if not, oral chemo and radation. The problem is that she can’t get her numbers right for chemo. She has two billary drains, one on her side, the other upper abdomen. She has experienced every symptom, every complication I have read about and today chemo cancelled for the 5th time due to high bilirubin #s . I don’t know how to help her at this point. She is divorced, kids out on their on . One lives very far away, the other goes to school and works. She has no health insurance but I am amazed at how our hospital has provided. Medicaid has not been approved yet, but we are hopeful. I am sure ya’ll are curious about her Doc’s. As a woman of faith I know that God went before us in all of this because going through the ER my sister could have gotten any oncologist but she got the Doc that had just come from working with Dr. Melanie Thomas ( from MD anderson) at the MUSC( med univ of sc) After the diagnosis Dr. Wells got my sister in at MUSC with Dr. David Cole ( surgeon) and of course Dr. Thomas.

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