My Sweet Precious Dad Has Passed

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    Dear Angie, I am so very sorry to hear that your dad has died. My sister died on Sunday and yesterday was her funeral. Today we are going back to the cemetery with her children and nieces and nephews to let them send up balloons to her.

    It is ok to be scared and nervous and yes it was incredibly hard to say goodbye yesterday. Use these days to plan a goodbye that you want him to have and be proud of and somehow, with the love of your family around you, you will make it through.



    Dear Angie,

    I am very sorry to hear of your Dad’s passing. I know he fought a long, hard battle. I hope one day you can remember him with a smile on your face and not the sadness you feel today. God bless you and your family.



    I know exactly how you feel and I am truly sorry for you to have to go thru such unexpected life journey so soon.
    Life has its own way of journeying thru our earthly times here and only God can provide the ultimate answer of ” Why me or why us “.
    Scared ,yes. Horrified, may be. But Peaceful in knowing he is in a much better place and free of all the pain and sufferings should allow you and all of us,as patients,feel at peace with ourselves and with others.
    May God’s Grace be with you and your family.
    God bless.


    Dear Angie,

    I too am sadden to hear of your dad’s passing. Knowing he is no longer in pain and is at peace does help, so try to take some comfort in that. Try to stay strong and know that we are all here for you. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Love & Hugs,


    Dear Angie,

    I am so very sorry indeed to hear of the passing of your dear dad. Please accept my sincere condolences. I too lost my dad to this cancer and I can so feel your pain. You have stood side by side with your dad as he battled this and I know that you will have the strength also to stand there and say that final good bye to your dad. Please know that we are here for you and my thoughts are with you and your family right now.




    Dearest Angie, I am so very sorry about your Dad, but like you say words cannot describe the very end when the Peace came. Your family is awesome and in time the good Memories will overtake the rest. Please do not be scared/nervous about the Funeral. For Teddy everyone around me kept me busy and durng the actual Funeral I focused on the Church Choir Director who was facing me as he had become a friend to Teddy. I looked at him and he would smile at me as if to draw my attention to something else. Before I knew it, it was over and by the way it was beautiful. May I tell you something we did? Now this is not for everyone’s taste but we know Teddy loved it! There were my kids, his kids and about 28 family who came in from all over. In the afternoon back at our house I took all the Grandkids in our bedroom and told them to take any clothes they wanted. Like T shirts, sweat shirts, ties etc. He had already given out his “valuables”. We had a clubhouse (senior community) where we were having dinner brought in for the family. One of the Granddaughters suggested we all wear something of Teddys to dinner. Everyone loved the idea and we got a picture of all 28 of us wearing something of his. We also knew he was laughing his A– off! It was a Memory we still talk about 2 years later. Please accept my heartfelt condolences.

    Those we love must someday pass beyond our present sight…
    They leave us and the world we know without their radiant light.
    But we know that like a candle their lovely light will shine
    To brighten up another place more perfect…more divine.
    And in the realm of Heaven where they shine so warm and bright,
    Our loved ones live forevermore in God’s eternal light.


    My father passed away on Tuesday March 19 at 1:50pm…..He was admitted to Hospice In Patient on March 11. We could not manage his anxiety at home and he agreed to go. He was still aware but not talking to us anymore. On Friday March 15 early morning he fell to his knees in pain as he could no longer fight this battle. He very rarely complained of pain and that night was the worst we had experienced he then was given Pain meds every hour until the pain was managed, by Saturday morning he could not eat as he could no longer swallow. His pain and anxiety meds had to be given with needles in his arms and his Leg. From this point forward it was truly devasting to see what he went thruough. We were then told it could be a few hours to a couple of days before he passed and to be prepared. From day one that he was admitted we never left my dad alone my mom, brother and sisters we would rotate around the clock to be with him. My dads mom, 2 brothers and sister were also there around the clock once we were told it could happen at anytime.

    On Tuesday morning we all rotated to go home and shower. My mom brother and sisters we had all made it back by Noon…There was a volunteer who was playing the harp we asked if she could play a song for my dad, she started with amazing grace it was so peaceful I can’t even explain it she played a few songs for us we cried as we knew his time was getting very close. Shortly after the volunteer played the harp about 12:40pm my dad made a loud sound as if he had pain when he breathed in right after that his breathing completley changed he had no rattle, they became quiet and calm almost as if he finally began to breath with no pain and peacefully as he took his last breath at one 1:50pm.

    Words cannot describe how scared I was as to what I was about to experience with my dad but his last hour so peacefully that even though I cried because he was gone it was a true previlige to be with him in his final hours.

    We had an uncle who also passed while my dad was in hospice my grandmothers brothers his viewing was on Tuesday at 6pm my dad passed at 1:50pm, we attended as my cousins came to support us after their dad had passed on my dads final days it was extremely difficult. But if my mom and grandmother were strong enough I had to be there for them.

    Now as we are planning my Dads Funeral I am so scared, nervous and I feel that I will not be able to bear the pain of saying a final Good Bye next week.

    I miss you Dad….But I know you are in a better place, cured and free of pain!

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