my twin sister and CC mets

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    I’m so sorry you had to find us. I know how hard this must be for you…not only a loving sister but a twin as well. I know there is a special bond with twins.

    My Mom was treated at Duke during her illness. Her oncologist was Dr. Mark Moore. She was diagnosed at age 76 at Stage IV with mets to the lungs when the CC was found. She received Chemo (Gemcitibine, oxiliplatin and also Xeloda and Nexavar) at various times during her disease.

    I echo Gavin’s advice to use the search forum for specific questions.

    We are here for you and your family.

    Much love and hugs to you and your sister.



    I’m so sorry to read ur words

    god with us


    Hello, Heather: We are so very sorry to read about your sister’s turn. Teddy had cyber knife last December and I know that the tumor must be below 7CM and it depends on the location and amount of tumors. I know you are getting good suggestions here and perhaps you could ask the doctor about some of them. Our thoughts and prayers are going out to you and your family.


    HI Heather,
    I’m very sorry to hear about your sister. Since you are at Duke – microsphere treatment comes to mind. I don’t know all details about it, but Wake Radiology ( Dr. Kennedy) may be an option she can look into. They are in Cary, NC.

    thinking of you,


    Liver surgery depends on where the tumor is present, its size, and infiltration. If you cant get it all (ie it is in more than 1 lobe, it has infiltrated the arteries, etc), you cant have surgery.

    Cyberknife depends on size and location also. The tumor needs to be small. If you have 20 tiny ones, it cant be used. It needs to be only one or two tumors.

    Please talk to your sisters doctor about other options. Suzanne had radiofrequency abulation (I think that was it) and it helped clear the tumors from her liver. There are other options besides chemo that can be used by themselves or in conjunction with chemo.



    Hi Heather,

    Welcome to the site, although I am sorry that you have to be here. I cant help you specifically with your questions regarding surgery, whipples and cyberknife. But if you use the search function you will find posts by members who have been through these procedures. My dads CC was deemed inoperable once diagnosed due to the location of his tumour as it was too close to a major artery, so his treatment was PDT.

    You have every right to be angry, we have all been there. I know someone will be along soon who can perhaps give you more specific answers to your questions.

    My best wishes go to you and your sister.



    I’m so sorry to hear your news, Heather. I’m sorry I can’;t help with your questions but I can echo your anger with this disease & I’m thinking of you both.

    Julia xx


    Oh Heather,

    I don’t know what to say to you other than I am so very sorry for the pain and distress you are going through at this time. Like someone said on here a while ago nothing surprises us like the ferocity of this horrible disease.

    How alarming for you both that so soon after her surgery it has surfaced again. All I can send is my thoughts and prayers and strength to you both for the treatment that is ahead.

    Hugs, Katie


    My twin sister was diagnosed at the age of 42– with CC. She had the whipple at duke in August and then was recovering–in october she started running a really high grade fever and had to go back into the hospital. The docs did another cat scan and determined that the cancer had spread to the liver. (within two months)– She is now on chemo– Gem and Oxy. They will do another cat scan–I assume in a few months. She has been told that the liver cannot be helped with surgery. I have a few questions: why is liver resection not possible? Why would it spread so fast when she had clear margins with the whipple, etc.? and Is cyberknife a possibility in this case? Any thoughts, feedback? This is a horrible disease…she has lost 70 pounds in five months and looks like a walking ghost. I am breast cancer survivor and I feel like my journey was a cakewalk compared to hers. I am trying to trust in God–but I am so damn angry. best, heather

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