my uncle

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  • #48635

    Dear Rhoda,

    I am very sorry to hear of your uncle’s passing. Please accept my sincere condolences.



    Dear Rhoda – So sorry that you have to suffer this loss. It is such a difficult process to grieve. My heart goes out to you and your family. Blessings, Susan


    My sincere condolences.



    So sorry to hear of your uncle’s passing so soon after diagnosis. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.



    Dear Rhoda – I join everyone else here on sending condolences on your loss. Your message hit me in my heart since your Uncle Tracey passed on what would have been my son’s 32nd birthday – St. Patrick’s Day! I will keep you in my thoughts and hope that you and your family are sharing wonderful memories of your Uncle — today and always. Best wishes – Nancy


    Rhoda. I am so so sorry to hear of your uncle Tracey’s passing so soon after diagnosis…..

    I was just going to welcome you to the site and say that I hoped we could be of support for you then scrolled down the page and read your update today.

    I hope that we can still offer the support that you need, incidentally I didnt find this site until my Dad had passed away and since then have found the most wonderful support and ‘met’ some of the nicest people.

    How lucky your Uncle was to have such a caring niece as yourself, thinking of you.



    Dear Rhoda, I am so very sorry to hear about your Uncle Tracey. He was so fortunate to be loved so deeply and to have you walk this hard journey with him. My sympathies to your family and at least now he is at Peace.


    With a heavy heart, I wanted to tell you that my Uncle Tracey passed away last Thursday, March 17. I will miss him more than I can even express. Thank you all so much for all of your help. I still want to be a part of this family. I hope that I can help someone like you all helped me.
    Rhoda Rickey
    niece to Big Tracey


    Hello Rhoda and welcome to our wonderful family but wish you didn’t have to join us. Wow! What an astounding cavalier attitude that doctor had. I would have run from him also. Yes, Barnes is considered top notch. Please keep us updated on what they say about your Uncle and feel free to come here often to ask, vent or advise. Hoping for the best on Tuesday.


    Welcome to our family, Rhoda – So sorry about the news of your Uncle Tracey. CC can be a roller coaster ride, so come talk with us often – share your hopes, your fears, his progress, the roller coaster ride – whatever you need. So many of us have found a wonderful supportive family here who really understand what you are going through. My husband had CC, diagnosed July 2010, no treatment options, went to heaven on January 29, 2011. Best Wishes at Barnes Jewish Hospital – I have heard some very good reports from people on this site about Barnes. Keep us posted. Blessings, Susan


    Hello Rhoda….I would like to follow Jim and welcome you to our site. Please, remember that much information will be coming your way therefore, you might want to take along a notepad.
    Good luck at the upcoming visit and please, stay in touch. The members on this site are the nicest bunch of people I have ever encountered. Count on their support.
    All my best wishes,


    Rhoda, welcome. Cholangiocarcinoma ((CC) is an uncommon cancer (< 2000 cases per yr in the US). BC there are such small numbers of cc cases, there's not too any hospitals/doctors with a lot of experience. If you're comfortable with the doctor and hospital and the treatment plan they propose, that's great. But do not hesitate to seek a second or third opinion if your not OK with what they tell you. I had surgery with a doctor who's successfully operated on patients that were told by others they were 'inoperable'. In my case, I had a left hepatic lobe resection, had clean margins and have been clean since 4/09. No one likes to have to deal with these ‘surprises’. I fully understand your worry. This cancer has all of us diagnosed, and family members like you, looking over our shoulders. There’s a great bunch of people here that both understand and are compassionate. I only wish I found this site much earlier than I did, which was way after I was diagnosed. Good luck with the Tuesday appointment at Barnes, and I hope they come up with a good treatment plan. Bless you for being a good niece.


    Hi just wanted to jump on here for some support. My uncle Tracey was just diagnosed with cholangiocarcimo on Tuesday. That was all they said. Actually, I read on the gi report the word cholangiocarcinoma, all they said was it’s liver cancer. you’ll be released in the morning. goodbye. They said feel free to call another dr. So I contacted Dr. William Chapman @ Barnes Jewish Hospital in St Louis. I hear he is the best. So here we go. Wish us luck. He has an appt on tuesday. We have no clue what stage or anything. Just learning. Worried. God help us.

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