My young, talented, beautiful fiance

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! My young, talented, beautiful fiance

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    What Stage is she in? And what doctor did she see at K.U. Med? That’s where my sister started out as well.


    Hi Cvertz,

    Welcome to the site, but I am sorry that you and Kelly have to be here. I can’t help you with your specific questions, but I wanted to join the others in welcoming you here. Please come back often as you will get a load of support and help from us all.

    My best wishes to you and Kelly,



    WElcome to the board. You have come to the right place for support and information.

    There are some, but few success stories here. I am a firm believer in being realistic about what lies ahead, but keeping the faith and hope alive at the same time.

    I had cancer in a lymph node, and it cleared up with chemo. The chemo didnt shrink my other tumors, but it did clear out the node. Other people have better success with chemo. In fact there are several people here who were told no to surgery then they took chemo and the tumors shrank enough to allow for surgery. Other people have also been denied surgery only to get it later from shrinkage from radiofrequency ablation or radiation. So there is hope. And definately hold onto that. But please be realistic as well. As a patient, I have to say that sometimes it is a burden when other people are not realistic to what is happening. Sometimes it makes it harder to cope. But always hold on to the hope.



    Welcome Cvertz & Kelly, to our wonderful Family! We are so very sorry to hear what has happened to Kelly. You are doing the right thing in seeking a second opinion. I know that Mayo Clinic , Rochester, MN is one of the TOP in this field.
    You might also want to use our search space at the top of the page. Just type in anything and you will get lots of information. I want to also say that lately we are receiving very positive and uplifting posts from some of our family. Please keep us posted, we truly care.


    Hello and welcome to both you & Kelly. I am sorry you have a need to be here, but glad you found us. You have found the best place for help & support for CC. I don’t have the answers you need, but I am sure others will be posting soon. Try searching the site, as there are some positive things happening and some success stories. This is a rare cancer that seems to treat everyone differently. Mayo in Rochester is a good place to start. I am sure many on here would recommend getting an opinion from there. Staying positive and keeping a good attitude will help you in fighting this disease. This is a great site with great people all ready and willing to do what they can to help and support you.

    Hang in there & keep posting. We are all here for you.



    My beautiful fiance Kelly, who is 26 years old, just recieved news on February 17th that she had cholangiocarcinoma. She has been suffering from ulcerative colitis since 1998. Recently she had a flare up, which the doctors think is due to the cancer, but for more than 10 years doctors said she had no ulcers and there was no inflammation in her colon. Right now we are in the process of getting a second opinion because her first doctor at Kansas University Medical Center said that her tumors were inoperable due to the fact that they had spread to regional lymph nodes. She has a large tumor in her liver as well as what they believe are tumors in her bile ducts. Any information would be helpful to us as we are just starting our fight against this disease. We currently live in the Northwestern suburbs of Chicago and are looking into the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota and the University of Chicago. Again anybody that has information about doctors or a success story about a similiar situation would be appreciated if they were willing to share with me. I know Kelly needs to see some positive things that have happened with this disease and know that any such stories would impact her greatly. I understand this is not an easy cancer and pray every night for all of those people who suffer from this disease. Thank you for all of your help and support.

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