Need a Cholangiocarcinoma Specialist in Bangalore, India

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    Hi Gavin & Marions,

    Thank you very much for your very helpful responses. I have conveyed the information to my relatives in Bangalore, India and they will follow up on them. Thanks again for your help.




    Hi Shantanu,

    Welcoem to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all and I’m sorry also to hear of your father in law. But I am glad that you have joined in with us all here as you will get a load of support from us all. If we can help in any way at all then we will, so please if you have any questions then ask away and we will do what we can to help in answering them.

    Using the search forum function at the top of the page may help you in searching for specific information on hospitals in Bangalore. Marion has given you some links and I had a quick look at google as well and found these ones. This link is is from the same site that Marion has given you but this came up on google and mentions cholangiocarcinoma so thought I would post it as well.

    Also found this one which may be of interest to you as well –

    This one as well –

    Please do keep coming back here anbd let us know how your father in law gets on. We are all here for you.

    My best wishes to you and your father in law,



    Shantanu….welcome to our site. I don’t know of a specialist in Bangalore however, someone else may step forward and help you out. In the meantime though, I am attaching a few links with the hope that it will help guide you in the right direction.
    Good luck and please, stay in touch.
    All my best wishes,


    My father-in-law is diagnosed with Stage IV cholangiocarcinoma and needs a cholangiocarcinoma specialist in Bangalore India to take care of him. I would appreciate if you can recommend a specialist as soon as possible. Thank you very much for your time.



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