Need a name of some “x” level

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Need a name of some “x” level

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    My mother started at a CA 19-9 of 350 and during her protocol for transplant it was always in the normal range. Just to show that she had CC with a tumor and the CA-19 number did not necessarily reflect it. there are also people with cellular CC ( no tumor) with VERY high reading in the thousands.


    As Tanoland has mentioned some patients never show elevated CA 19-9 tumor markers. These patients lack the Lewis antigen (a blood type protein.)
    Best wishes,


    That number does not need to be in the thousands. My sister’s never got above 125. And she was stage 4 with metastesis. They tell you that you should not pay attention to that number…but it’s there for a reason.


    Yes I found that when looking on internet and I think he said something about CA. Either way, it doesn’t matter. Bottom line is that the cancer cells are growing so start radiation soon!


    Yes, I think I know what you are talking about. Could it be CA19-9, CA-125 or carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). These are the ones they usually test for to monitor cc, but they are difficult to read what they actually mean.



    I was looking for the name of something..The doctor said
    my husband’s bilirubin level was fine but some other “cancer producing
    protein” level (can’t remember what he said or the name” )was at 77, said after surgery it was 35 but normal is 30 or below… He said if you had a tumor this level would be in thousands. Anyone know what thing, name, he is talking about? The summary is that we gotta get radiation started soon.

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