Need advice on clinical trials

Discussion Board Forums Clinical Trials Need advice on clinical trials

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    Eric, I’m sorry to hear this. You have heard about the trial I am in, I know!
    It’s been keeping me stable for over a year. I know Fox Chase has other trials, too. The number is 888-FOXCHASE. Ask if Dr. Crystal Denlinger could contact you. Patty Murphy is the head of the CRU trial I am on.
    I don’t know if they’ve moved to phase 3 yet.
    Another question… I don’t remember. Did you have genomic testing done? Foundation One pointed me to a trial in their report.
    Call me if you need to talk.


    Dear Eric,

    I have had great success with TIL trial at National Institute of Health. It is an immunotherapy trial. The only thing is that if you have any stents in place, I believe that could possibly disqualify you due to the risk of infection. I always believe it is worth a call to NIH to find out….there could always be other trials available as well. The link is below and the contact numbers are listed at the bottom of the page when you open the link. Please let me know if you have any other questions, I would be very happy to help!!

    All my best,


    Eric…..I hope that others will chime in real quick for you. On the other hand though; has your physician recommended a particular clinical trial he/she feels you are best suited for? What was the second line chemo suggested? Staying hopeful right along with you.


    I am asking anyone who has had positive results with a trial to please let me know what has worked. I have extrahepatic CC stage IV diagnosed 12/12. I was non-resectable. I started on Gem/Cis 1/13 and had to stop Cis 9/13 due to neuropathy.

    Gem worked for a few months and in 4/14 we added Zeloda but tumors have grown + 1 new one. MSKCC has proposed a 2nd line chemo but also suggested clinical trial route while liver is functioning.

    What have you had positive results with? It’s so hard to find trials and evaluate eligibility. My thanks for your continuing support. My spirits are good and I remain hopeful.

    Thanks to all,Eric

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