need advise on something

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    Lynn, “Nothing ventured nothing gained”. I would contact her, especially since you have a found and contacted her friend and she might be waiting and waiting and wondering why you haven’t reached out to her. Lainy is so right you always need your parent.
    Lot of prayers, luck and HOPE-Cathy


    Lynn definitely give her his cell number. Listen to your heart. As for your head just wait an hour or 2 and see what someone else says. I always listen to my gut. It’s usually right. See, I feel the fact that he did try to find her in the past shows he really wanted to be with her. Like I said a child is never to old to need or want a parent.


    thank you lainy,shes 30 y/o,wondering if i do this,should i include georges cell #?,my heart tells me to do it now,my head says hugs and blessings Lynn


    Wow, Lynn. The following is my own personal take. Her mother took off with her, George did try to have you find her. I would try to find her phone number or e mail and just put it simply that it took years but per George’s request you have now found her and tell her, she has a right to know that he is ill. You have done your best then and it will be up to her if she wants to see her father. I wouldn’t go in to anything of the past as that can be handled later, I just feel she has a right to know.
    Let’s see what others have to say about this situation. I feel that no matter a child’s age most want to see their parents.


    hi everyone,tomorrow is georges biopsy,of course we are nervous,but i went over his mothers this morning and asked her what she thought about me contacting georges daughter about whats going on,she was all for it,anyway im not sure,and heres why.George lost touch with his daughter when she was about 4 yrs old,mother took off with her,well,he often talks about her,for the past 14 years i been with him,he asked me to search for her quite a few times over the years with no luck,well then came my space,and there she was,she looked just like him,but there was no activity on her page for over a year. I didnt give up,i looked through her friends and found someone who i believed to be a boyfriend,so i sent a friend request,he did accept after a long time.anyway,jump to recently within the last year,her boyfriend i found on face book go figure,this was last year,georges daughter didnt have a face book page,well very recently those two married,and now she has a page because hes been deployed with george being sick,should i contact his daughter via face book?im just so lost and confused as to what to do…sorry this is so long,but i just need to ask someone…Thank you all so so much for any advise on this,love,and blessings and bog hugs Lynn

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