need drug info: growth inhibitor drugs

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    You are a good researcher,I appreciate your research info. on CC;useful.
    There are a few research papers on Octreotide LAR appeared on the ASCO 2011
    conference in June in Chicago,I will try to post them later.
    One person can build Rome in millions of year,but together we can cure this CC
    in a decade.
    God bless.


    My brother Bruce is currently taking Octreotide (monthly injections) with what appears to be some success. Octreotide is a growth hormone inhibitor. I believe that my brother’s insurance covers this, but I will confirm and re-post.

    Here is some information on Octreotide. The first two articles offer some hopeful conclusions and the third article provides a good summary of what Octreotide is and what it does:


    I do not think in the same way as your oncologist with regard to the term “NECESSARY”. in the regimen unless he/she is eager for you to participate in one of the clinical trial like the #25 and #28 on this web site under “clinical trial”
    # 25 is currently under study at Ohio University and the other ,#28 is at Univ. of Pennsylvania.If you are accepted,they will work with you to submit the claims and fight for the approval of “off label use “for Avastin or cetuximab and you will know beforehand your financial responsibility.
    But please remember any doctor in their specialty can use medications off the label indication for his or her practice and this does not mean they are wrong.
    Except for erlotinib,most of the APPROVED chemo regimens related to treating CC with molecularly targeted agents such as Avastin are still under clinical trials for their efficacy and side effect burden.
    GEMOX+Avastin ,Erlotinib+ Avastin or GEMOX+cetuximab these three regimens are still on clinical trials.;as well as Gemzar+Xeloda+Avastin and others.
    The first -line systemic treatment is either 5FU or gemcitablne base with the addition of cisplatin(the platium group) , or irinotecan or docetaxel.(the taxol group).
    Depending on the type , the size and the locations of the CC ;you still have other options like radiation,ablation.chemoembo,PDT,SBR beside systemic chemotherapy.
    2nd opinion of oncology consultation is recommended.
    God bless.


    Dear Chris:
    Sorry to hear about the insurance dilemma. Did you go through the Genentech Access Solutions?

    It seemed that they would help you navigate your way through the insurance appeals process. Genentech also has a specific access program for avastin.

    You’ve probably gone down those roads, wanted to make sure.

    Could you tell me why your doctor believes Avastin would be beneficial? Where are you being treated (if you don’t mind telling me). My dad has suspected cc, his treatment is being overseen by MD Anderson, but treatment itself is in Alabama.

    Good luck!


    Thanks for the advice, I think my next step will be to beg. Genentech turned me down for assistance already, so i’ll need to find the right people to contact both there, and at insurance company. No harm on asking, again and again. Thanks.


    Also, based on your income (I believe it has to be below $75 thousand annual income) compassionate use may qualify you to apply at Genentech.
    Best wishes,


    Chris – I have no experience with this either, but sometimes you can get the drug company to help or sponsor the drug. Especially if it is not yet approved, isn’t that experimental and they could use your experience to document the results and see the effectiveness. Just a thought!


    Hi Chris,

    Sorry that I can’t help you with this but I’m sure that others will be along soon that can help and share their experiences of dealing with the insurance companies. Have you tried using the search function here as perhaps that would throw up some relevant discussions?

    In the meantime we have an insurance board here that may be of help to you.

    My best wishes to you,



    Hello all,
    Has anyone had access to growth inhibitor drugs as part of their chemo regimen (Avastin/bevacimumab, Erbitux, etc…). My oncologist feels this is a NECESSARY part of my chemo regimen yet my insurance company denies coverage. Why? Apparently these drugs are not approved for CC even though studies show they have great results. If you have been on one, how did you get access? Did you pay for the drug personally, out-of-pocket? I was told that the drug costs $10,000 per treatment. Can’t afford that!
    Any ideas/ experience?

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