Need Help Fast!

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    Dear Srector,

    I am so sorry that your niece is experiencing such pain.  The situation you describe is heartbreaking.  I wish hospice could do more and better to keep her comfortable.

    As you mention, the hospital bed with a built-in commode seems a specialty item not found in the inventory of companies that rent hospital beds.  There is an easy-to-find product (e.g., Amazon, some drugstores) called a “fracture bedpan” that is designed for patients in bed and immobilized with fractures.  It is shallow and angled to slide under a patient who cannot move.  I was wondering if this would help and if it has already been tried with your niece?

    I am hoping some of our readers have ideas for you.  In the interim, please be sure the hospice service provider is being pushed to solve this for your niece.  The other source of help I have found to be good is the nurses in the oncology department where a patient is treated.  There is often a help-line or “triage” phone number to reach a nurse, and nurses tend to be great resources to solve practical issues.

    I wish I had more information on this, I will keep looking.  Your niece must find great comfort in the concern and support from wonderful family members such as yourself.

    Regards, Mary


    My niece is in the late stage, hospice is coming in as the cancer has spread to her bones. She cannot walk, therefore; she is bed ridden and cannot tolerate any movement as her hips and knees are in severe pain. We mentioned this to the hospice nurse and she upped the Dilauded but she says that makes her feel funny. The problem is when she has to have a bowel movement; she can’t be moved without a lot of pain. We have looked into patient lifts but I feel that would cause even more pained what do we do if she is unconscious and can’t use the lift. I looked online and saw hospital beds that have the bed pan or toilet system built in so she would not have to move. They are costly but I am willing to go that route. My question is does anyone know of a solution or know where  I could rent or buy one of these beds quickly. We live in Virginia. I would appreciate any advice at all. This cancer is so different from anything I have experienced. I was diagnosed with colon cancer and the same rules and advice don’t apply to this monster.

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