need help for my dad

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    The on call doc will look at the X-ray or films and give me some idea. Monday will talk to the radiologist and the surgon doc about the right side. Its hard to get in touch with doctors.
    On call doc thinks he can eat need to confirm. They think he can leave icu today. Hopefully he will do much better soon. We want to leave the hospital ASAP too.


    You are right, there is too much going on. I too hope Dr. Schreibman gets in touch with you. Like I said before, Teddy ate right after. I don’t understand so perhaps someone more qualified than I am might. I have one more idea. Can you ask for the radiologist who inserted the drain and talk to him?


    I don’t see how possible we can change hospital. It’s a big move while he’s with external drain on left side still under treatment for antibiotic/infection somewhere. I don’t think he wants to move either. It seems dangerous to make a move right now. But next time, I’ll ask Dr.Shreibman if we can go to St. Clare hospital, where he also goes to. That one seems to have nicer nurses. I had my 2 babies there, and they were very kind.

    How long can people eat or drink after external drain? I am so concerned. Nurse said his system needs to rest, so cannot eat/drink. Otherwise, will hurt him more. We really need an ONC to take control of the situation… Hope Dr.Shreibman can help us. Praying…


    Good luck today and I am hoping Dad starts turning around. Is there another Hospital you can go to if they take hiim by ambulance.


    Dr.Shreibman was not available Fri when I called for the app. Monday morning I’ll call the nurse to schedule an hospital app so that he can come see us. I think at this point, I need to tell Dr.Shreibman that we decided to be treated here in NJ near home with him. After we consult with Dr. Fong in the future, we’ll get the Sloan’s ONC for 2nd opinion.

    GI doc did the right side plastic stent, internal, didn’t work. Another doc/maybe Radiation department doc did the external drain on left side, working. This external drain doc said because the right side has a stent, he cannot do the external drain in the right side. Is this true? Does the right side stent has to be remove/ERCP again, before he can drain from right side externally?

    For placing stents, doctor allows dad to eat, ERCP/out patient procedure. But he has external drain on the left side, doctor said he cannot eat or drink anything. Not sure when he can eat and drink again. He’s so weak and felt hungry. I am getting crazy… While doc comes in different time that I am not here, they didn’t give him translator phone either!! I need to complain about that.


    The nurses in morristown hospital are so so. under staff. About half of the nurses are good, but the other half, not paying attention. called for a long time no showing up. Some don’t provide much care, have the cool feeling too. Some on call doctors are very meant to patients. I cannot believe hospital like this Ranking #1 in US news. They have big advertisement in the hallway… Maybe the standard is low. :(


    I just am at a loss for you! Teddy always got something light to eat after stenting. In fact we would stop on the way home and eat at a restaurant. Did you get hold of that Dr.Shreibman? I would think if the stent is not metal they could remove the internal stent and then put the external stent on the right side. Teddy never had metal stents and his were changed often so why could this internal stent not be taken out? Now here you are getting different answers. I am sorry to be negative but I am very concerned. I would still make a list of all that has happened, take it to the Hospital Manager and tell him/her that you want your father moved to a Hospital of your choice and that they should pay for that move. Above all make sure they understand that you are dealing with a rare Cancer and have had no straight anwers yet. If you decide to do this keep a copy of your list for yourself. This just does not sound right to me at all.


    I found out they gave my dad antibiotic: Zoson? and Vango? My dad’s fever was under control right away so more then one doctor said no need blood culture.

    Dad’s bile duct in left side of the liver drains ok, externally. But the bile duct in right side, with internal stent, didn’t drain outside while the stent is not quiet working. The doc who did the external drain said cannot do right side because stent’s in. These 2 days, nurse said bilirubin been very similar, 18 something, liver function still high. 18/80? While the residence of the surgeon came in, I told him bilirubin been similar after external drain. He said because right side still blocked. It’s dangerous if right side still block isn’t it? I asked what to do? He said could be replace a stent or drain externally on right side. I said the doc said because of the stent, cannot drain externally on right side. So sounds like it may need to do ERCP again to take the stent out, drain the right side externally?

    I am so frustrated with all of these… My dad didn’t eat anything since Thursday night, Fri had the drain they didn’t let him eat/drink anything. He’s very weak and felt hungry. If they need to redo the ERCP/drain right side externally…. means my dad may not be able to eat this coming week??? it’s exhausted and very tired for him. We haven’t started any chemo or radiation yet and he’s so tired and weak because of the draining….

    Have the first doc done the stent wrong so it’s not working? I hope my dad is not mistreated. Very very frustrated…..Anyone has any idea when internal stent doesn’t work, how to fix it? Any way to drain outside but no need to take the not working stent out? Thanks!!


    YES, there is a need for the blood culture so that if it happens again they will know immediately what to give him, as there are different antibiotics that all work differently.Teddy was given LEVEQUIN and it worked immediately to stop the chills and fever, nothing else did. You have a right to know what they are using and doing!
    Who is this Doctor and it sounds like he talks to you like a child. When Teddy got these infections he started out in ER and they confered with his Oncologist. An other important reason to have an Oncologist. I sure hope things are better today and I hope your little one is feeling better.


    Doctor said he had antibiotic so no need to do blood culture. I heard they may do one anyway in the morning. Not 100% sure. Is it because he’s not in cancer center so doc is not familiar? He chill again. With heated blanket, he is ok after a while. Is there different antibiotic for different infection? If same antibiotic, chill be treated the same way regardless where the infection then the blood culture may not be important?

    Nurse said he has a great night. Blood pressure went up. Chill/shaking they didn’t think its a big deal.

    I am so tired. Got home found my 3 yr old sick again. His dad took him to er. Seems stomach virus. So frustrated.


    The reason to know what kind of infection it is and what they gave Dad is so that if at any time it should happen again you can tell them what he had and what the Meds were. Go sleep wonderful little daughter, you did enough today and you need your rest.


    Doctor is not here. Told the nurse about checking blood culture. She said will tell doc and see if it’s necessary. It’s getting late that I am so tired. Thinking to go home. It’s so frustrated that I need to ask doc if they should try this or try that…

    Dear Lainy, you can try medical as new career. :D Many members here seems very knowledgeable too. Thanks a lot!


    Please ask what Meds they gave him and ask if they did a blood culture as you want to know what kind of infection it is. Teddy’s was ecoli and it was between his aborted Whipple and the real deal. When the ambulance got him to the hospital his Blood Pressure was 55 over 40 with in an hour of the IV with MEds he was already better. Thank you so much for such a high compliment but I am not a Medical person, I listen to my gut feelings, they will almost never steer you wrong. It is a good thing to put him in ICU as over a weekend the Hospital is usually not as highly staffed and this way he will be watched more closely.


    Dear Lainy, you know more then the nurses and residence doctors here. My dad is having infection. Right before drain the bile he had a fever. After drainage, his temp lower, but blood pressure very low, 80’s/40’s. They see fever + low blood pressure, said he has bad infection. Put him in ICU!!

    after he’s in ICU, they gave him a lot of fluid from IV, and some medicine. It seems the blood pressure is much better. He’s very tired and sleepy. They said he had fever 100.4 F but when I tough his head, he doesn’t seem to have fever at all. I think it’s getting better.

    The drain bag is working. He’s happy with it. I hope he can get much better asap so that we can start seeing Sloan doctors.

    You are so right! I need to be on the driver side. I am sure that surgeon lost interested in us after the CT. I couldn’t believe doctors are like business men, if there is no deal, his door is closed. I need to take more control of it from now on. Thanks!


    You have a lot of patience, too much, wish I could be like that. I would have made a list from beginning to now and taken it to the Hospital Manager. But now I would wait until dad is ready to leave. These infections can take a few days and the infection coming on could be what gave Dad the chills.Teddy used to get the chills (RIGORS) so bad I would put 3 blankets/quilts on him and crawl on top. Along with the chills a high temperature is not unusual. Then straight to the ER. He should be put right on anitbiotics and make sure a blood culture is taken. If he gets the chills again ask for a couple of heated blankets.Remember now that you are the boss and they all work for you.
    Don’t get heated with them but do it nicely as Dad still has to be there. See if he can get some hot soup for dinner and maybe a turkey sandwich. Teddy always was able to eat right after the stents. And most important is to see to it that antibiotics get started today. Teddy would get Levaquin through the IV! Let me know. You are doing good, better than you know, hang in, be strong.

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