need help for my dad

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    My dad is in the room having the bile drain. The doctor who does the procedure told me he just got the call a few hours ago for this procedure! So the past 2 days nobody helped us scheduling anything! I am so mad. I should have pushed them harder. Cannot trust them at all.

    Also my dad was shaking big time 1 hour ago so weak today since morning. When he’s in the room waiting for the procedure, he has a fever!!! Seems like the bile obstruction is very serious and some infection started. He wasn’t given any antibiotic during the time in the hospital either.

    The doctor who does the procedure said he can only do left side drainage. said if left side is good, will return a lot of liver function. And he said since bilirubin high, liver functions will be damaged, not sure how much can recover??? this sounds crazy too. I am waiting and see how it goes…


    Hi lovedad,
    First of all, I don’t like you calling yourself stupid. You have so much on your mind and are so stressed. Please cut yourself some slack. Secondly, it makes me sad that you feel you cannot count on the doctors. That would be a sign for me to find someone else. There are cancer centers that have very caring doctors and nurses. I say this because my daughter has had nothing but the best care with very compassionate doctors and nurses. It really bothers me that you feel they don’t care. Hopefully, Dr. Shriebman will change your thoughts about doctors. I hope everything goes well. My thoughts are with you.
    Love and hugs, -Pam


    His not eating right now is not that important they will give him something lite after the procedure. Just having a lot of that bile come out, he will feel so much better and eventually feel more like eating. My guess is be will get something like a turkey sandwich and some juice! Anxious for the results. You are not dumb you have a ton of stuff on your mind!


    They scheduled the drainage procedure this afternoon. but my dad didn’t eat breakfast was planning to eat lunch. They said from now on no food and drink till the procedure’s done!! I am so stupid. I should have asked before… i forgot. :(

    He doesn’t feel like eating and doesn’t care much. But he’s so weak, without meal, even weaker. I hope next time I can be more alert planning ahead. Cannot count on doctors… this could have been plan much better but nobody really cares except us.

    Yes, people here are great!! I’ve learned a lot from all of you. Thank you very much!!


    Excellent! The radiologist usually does the procedure. They will give Dad a little twilight sleep and then the tube is inserted with the guidance of some kind of Xray machine, OMG, can’t think of what it is called. Great on Dr. Schriebman! Our members are terriffic, yes? Now I am getting happy too! Please let us know how the procedure goes.


    Thanks a lot Lainy!!

    I complained to everybody that comes into the room and ask what do I need. Finally nurse said the residence doc told her that they are planning/scheduling the draining bile outside the body. Not sure why last time surgeon said the back not the side… I’d think should be the side where the bile duct located, otherwise; how can it be possible to drain anything other then blood. Maybe when doctor said back… he meant drain into a bag? Maybe I hear it wrong. He doesn’t mean it. It seems like radiologist will do it not surgeon doctor. I can see he totally lost interested in us. Therefore, I don’t think he’ll do the drainage procedure either.

    I talked to the nurse if she can help schedule appointment with Dr. Stephen Schriebman, lulu’s doc. nurse refused said has to be surgeon doc referred. I don’t get to pick doc whoever I like, maybe in the hospital… ok. I understand here is not restaurant. I called Dr. Stephen Schriebman’s office and his nurse said Monday if we are still in hospital, doc will swing by, if we are discharged, we’ll go to his office. Finally making little progress.

    Dr. Stephen Schriebman’s 2 offices are very close to my home. Hopefully will work out good :)


    Hey, little Grasshopper you are learning very quickly. High Bilierubin is caused because the bile has no where to go, it is blocked, so stenting needs to be done, the sooner the better. I am just curious why the external stent is being put in through the back and not the side? Just a side note…you don’t have to copy over in to your post what we post as there is a button at the bottom of each post that you click on and it says Post Reply and will take you to a message window. Will save you time.
    Makes sense that Dr. Fong won’t see Dad until he is stented. I hope he gets the stents today! He will start to feel better so he can make that trip.

    Lainy wrote:
    Dear lovedad.How is dad feeling today? Do you think he can go home and make a trip to SK? How far is it for you? Honestly I would feel the same say you do, there is one more thing you can try. Go to the office of the Hospital Manager and lay it out on the line and let them know his rare Cancer needs some correct answers and you feel you are being washed off! This one says this, that one says that and the other one doesn’t know! They should never have accepted him as a patient if they cannot treat him. Also, did you read the post today from LuLu? You might ask to see Dr. Schriebman, she used him!

    I am glad that I am not the only one that feels frustrated about this set of doctors… the radiation doctor seems good. he’s very promising… maybe overly optimistic because cc is a rare cancer that may not have a lot of doc has experience.

    Dr Fong said he won’t see us until dad’s bilirubin is been taken care of. He must worried that we got so excited for the Sloan appointment and jump out of the hospital just go see him. He has appointment today or next next Monday. I don’t think we can make it today. Still waiting for what’s going on with the surgeon. I am afraid any step we choose is incorrect…. just so scared.

    But the bilirubin is high. The drainage outside the body won’t be too wrong to do isn’t it? even 23 is high.

    I am looking for the nurse to have them help schedule an appoint for lulu’s onc. need someone has experience cc, not experience in general. Thanks!!

    lulu07 wrote:
    Hi LoveDad….So so sorry you had to find all of us here ….just wanted to weigh in on Morristown Memorial Hospital….I did have chemo there with Dr. Stephen Schriebman for CC recurrence…he works very closely with a Dr Fine from NY Presbyterian…he is very aggresive and knows much about CC….just hope that this can help a very little bit….Hang in there and keep on loving your Dad….

    In general how to did you find Onc that specializes in cc? I feel like all doc we met so far are doc “in general” :(


    Dear lovedad.How is dad feeling today? Do you think he can go home and make a trip to SK? How far is it for you? Honestly I would feel the same say you do, there is one more thing you can try. Go to the office of the Hospital Manager and lay it out on the line and let them know his rare Cancer needs some correct answers and you feel you are being washed off! This one says this, that one says that and the other one doesn’t know! They should never have accepted him as a patient if they cannot treat him. Also, did you read the post today from LuLu? You might ask to see Dr. Schriebman, she used him!

    lulu07 wrote:
    Hi LoveDad….So so sorry you had to find all of us here ….just wanted to weigh in on Morristown Memorial Hospital….I did have chemo there with Dr. Stephen Schriebman for CC recurrence…he works very closely with a Dr Fine from NY Presbyterian…he is very aggresive and knows much about CC….just hope that this can help a very little bit….Hang in there and keep on loving your Dad….

    Thanks a lot! I’ll try Dr. Schriebman. The Onc yesterday they sent told me no information but support my idea go to Sloan for help. maybe we are too hard to treat they gave up on us. CRAZY!


    We spent another day in hospital did nothing. Many doc came but the surgeon doc didn’t come. His residence doc came and said per the CT, the tumor is very close to hepatic artery that the surgeon thinks too dangerous to do surgery. I asked recommendation, residence doc doesn’t seem to have idea. said need to talk to family–us with doc. I said so where is the doc that never shows up??? I am not happy about the response at all. We still don’t have much detail on what’s going on. I got the CT report, and CT in CD. Will take to Sloan once my dad is discharge.

    Today they said will talk to the surgeon and discover next step. oh yeah, that’s the same answer I heard 2 days ago. We are here for 2 days nothing happened.

    The big question I have is they put him in hospital because bilirubin is high. 3 blood tests, 15, 30, and when we were in the hospital the 1st day, it’s 23. So from 30 to 23, dropped. I wounder if the stent wasn’t working but now works a little? If we still need to drain bile outside of the body. I am mad that the surgeon said we need to take care of the high bilirubin; it’s so high and dangerous…. ok, so we are in the hospital 3 days, this has not been taken care of or even talked about. I don’t see they believe this is urgent any more?? I have a strange feeling… maybe the surgeon wants to know if my dad is operable, but found he can’t do it, so he lost interested in us.

    one oncologist came yesterday. said if we like to go to Sloan, it’s great idea. he doesn’t see confident about any helpful chemo suggestions. Said in general, it’s Gem… and the 5FU? The 2 medicine I see often in this board. he said could help extend a few months live. very depressing. I asked if he can give us different treatment options to compare pros/cons/side effects…. like a menu that we can consider in restaurant? Maybe I asked too much, he said no. just Gem something and the 5FU…the standard ones. I am not comfortable with his answers that doesn’t seem to work with my dad per his situation.

    The radiation doctor also came yesterday. Dr. James Wong, chairman of radiation. He seems very optimistic and said the tumor is small. He has treated a lot of patients and many of them well under control, sounds very confident and promising. He said if we like to start, can do 5 days 15 min each day for while/maybe a month I forgot. I ask side effect… he said if my dad can’t stand it, maybe start 2 weeks, wait 1 week. something like that. And he said his department is very high ranking, aim very well on the tumor…. Dad felt very comfortable and hopeful after heard from Dr. Wong. I hope it is so “easily” under control. I heard radiation accumulates. Some people start well, and later very weak. Not sure my dad already very weak…. can he afford to do that. But leave untreated is no good either. so tough.

    Dr. Fong won’t see us until my dad been discharged from current hospital. It’s so waste of time staying here. I feel lost again about the next step.


    Hi LoveDad….So so sorry you had to find all of us here ….just wanted to weigh in on Morristown Memorial Hospital….I did have chemo there with Dr. Stephen Schriebman for CC recurrence…he works very closely with a Dr Fine from NY Presbyterian…he is very aggresive and knows much about CC….just hope that this can help a very little bit….Hang in there and keep on loving your Dad….


    Hang in there, lovedad. We are all here to offer support and hugs. I am sorry this has been so difficult for you and your family. Hopefully, a plan will be under way soon.


    I agree. Take a deep breath and wait. You still dont have the full inderstanding of why they may not be able to safely do surgery and your Dad still has not gotten his treatment plan (at the current hospital) in place yet. It can take many days, often weeks to meet with each specialist and have all the tests done. Wait until you have talked to the oncologist. Sometimes chemotherapy cam be a safer alternative rather than surgery (that was the case with my sister) is what will be recommended. Sometimes they recomend radiation. Unfortunately, most cases of advanced CC cannot be safely and successfully surgically treated right away and there are many other types of treatments they may recommend.
    Also, if eventually you decide to get another opinion, the hospital can fax your Dads records (all test results and CT scans etc,) to the new Dr/hospital his evaluation instead of physically taking your Dad there.
    Take Care, Willow

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