Need information please

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    If the procedures you are questioning are done at the hospital your wife is working with now, their financial aid department should be able to tell you what medicare covers ( I would hope)?

    While my mom has not dealth with resection, after being on this discussion board for several months and reading what others have submitted, it seems like scans are done much more frequently than on an annual basis. I think a scan every few months is normal with any cancer, not just this one.
    Best of luck with the resection,


    I had scans every 3 months but my reoccurance did not show up on the scans at all. The tumor got so big it started to affect my digestion and that is when they opened me up to find a flat, disk shaped tumor the size of a grapefruit. so for me, it was been too late for anything but chemo, but we are hoping to skrink it some for another shot at surgery….we will see.

    I am sorry I dont know anytihng about medicare. I live in Sweden with socialised medicine (it is fantastic and not at all what is portrayed on American media) so I dont have any insight as to who pays what in the US anymore. When I talked to a doctor in the US when I was considering moving back home, she seemed to think that cyberknife would be covered, but I didnt get far enough in the process to know for sure.




    It seems to me that assuming my wife’s R0 resection is successful, that we’d get CT scans at least annually to make sure cc is not spreading again. Is that normal? This way it could be caught early so that one of these non-surgical procedures could be performed. Is that normal procedure?

    Does anyone know if medicare pays for a resection or these other therapies such as cybernice, RF abulation, PDT, etc?


    CC has a high reoccurance rate. I have forgotten the actual numbers but there is a study on pubmed that answers that question. Sorry, I dont remember which one so it will take some time for you to find. I had RO and I got my reoccurance diagnosis 2 years after surgery, but they think given my tumors size it has been around some time.

    Sue had her resection at the same time, but she is still cancer free. It really is the luck of the drawl.

    If it does come back, options depend on where, size, and infilitration…exactly like when your wife was first diagnosed. Radiation, chemo, cyberknife, radiofrequency abulation, PDT, and even a second resection have been done for reoccurance.



    My wife is about to start treatment. We’ve discussed one option with an oncologist and a surgeon at Dekalb Medical Center. The plan is chemo to shrink the cancer so that a complete resection (R0) can be done. We’re meeting with the oncologist and surgeon from Winship (Emory Hospital) next week.

    Assuming the R0 resection is successful, what is the probability of the cancer recurring and what, if any, are the options if it does?

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