Need some advice for this weekend

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Need some advice for this weekend

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    BZ, I will echo the girls above. There are times when Doug’s ammonia is so high it changes him. He gets confused and there is changes in his personality. His best friend Brian always comes by every week and no matter where Doug is at on this roller coaster he rises to the occasion to visit with his friend and Brian treats him as he always has.
    I understand the fear of losing someone else close to you. All the raw emotions come flooding back and you probably wonder if you can hold up. You have already proven what a strong, loving person you are.
    I think once you arrive everything will fall into place. Enjoy your camping trip and enjoy your friend. Hugs. Nancy


    BZ….a short time ago I encountered a similar situation in that a friend had been diagnosed with a Glioblastoma.

    A mutual friend has kept me abreast and relayed my thoughts and wishes to her but, personally I had not met up with her since her cancer diagnoses.
    After a big hug we engaged in a conversation led by her. I was happy to see her as she was happy to see me. And, it went from there. I agree with Lainy in that you should not worry. Similar to the previous years your camper friend wants to take part in something familiar and you are part of that history. Enjoy.
    All my best wishes,


    Val, I have met you and you are so underestimating yourself! You are warm, kind, cheerful and I think you will be just what your friend needs. Just be yourself and you will do and say all the right things! I cannot see you being any different. Have a great weekend.


    Hello CC family,

    I am hoping you can offer me some advice. This weekend we will be heading out for our annual Memorial Day camping trip. The same group has camped together for many years though during the year we rarely see one another other than our camping trips during the summer and the holidays.

    One of our campers is going through treatements for what I have been told is brain cancer. I am not sure why, but I am feeling very aprehensive about how I will communciate with her this weekend. I saw her last 3-months ago and that visit was fine – but I have been told she has “really changed” and maybe that is causing much of my aprehension. I just don’t want to say the wrong thing. Maybe I just am scared and sad at the thought of loosing another loved one to cancer?

    In any case I would appreciate any suggestions you may have.



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