Need some ansers

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    Hi Jim,

    That’s great that your recovery is coming on nicely and my fingers are crossed for a continuation of this. I hope that your medical team come up with your chemo plans soon and please let us know what they recommend for you.

    My best wishes to you,



    Thanks Lainy & Marions


    Jim…I wish for a continued, smooth recovery and as Lainy has mentioned please let us know what the next step of action will be.


    Jim, my husband had a Whipple and before his surgery the Surgeon said, “I will not really know what is there until I go in surgically. IF it has spread I will close you up, if it is contained we will proceed, we just don’t know until we see it”. It sounds like you are doing well an I want to wish you good luck on the Chemo. Please keep us updated on your progress, we truly care.


    Thanks for your reply Marions. The recovery is coming along, no major issues at this point. The surgeon and my oncologists will get together to determione which chemo(s) will used going forward.


    Jim…unfortunately, this is the case. Scans are very good, but are not perfect of detecting cancerous nodules. Plate thickness and lack of uptake in PET, etc. can contribute to the lack of effectiveness. Your physician treated you aggressively and for that you may just have the best of outcomes.
    This cancer is evasive hence, the surgeon’s eye is the most accurate way of detecting the true extent of this disease.
    Please, don’t be too disappointed – the good news is that the nodules have been treated. How is your recovery coming along?


    History – Had a whipple 03/12 – dsital CC. Did 5 months Gem/Cis. 05/12 – 09/12. 8 months of clear scans (10/12 – 06/13) Had multiplke type of scans during these 8 months (PET/CT and MRI) Cannot do contrast due to renal inefficiency) Has a PET?CT scan 0n 06/21/13 which showed one small spot in upper right lobe. Went in to have a liver resection on 07/24/13 and my surgeon stated that i had 6 spots. He culd not do resections but did RFA’s on all six.

    I don’t understand how this type of scan can miss 5 out 6 spots. My surgeon states he sees it all the time. If the tumor does not metabolise with the sugar then it won’t be picked up.

    Has anybody else had this problem?



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