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  • #34265

    Hello Donna…I believe that this is the definition for T3 Cholangiocarcinoma/bile duct cancer:


    Amr….you are showing much sensitivity by recognizing the depression your Dad is experiencing. I strongly believe that you will know when the time is right for the discussion. Amr…my husband also was despressed and longed for his daily routine. I believe that he badly wanted to have the life he had before he became ill and working allowed him feel some sense of normality.
    Best wishes,


    My husband had his last appt with his surgeon today. We see the oncologist next thursday to set up chemo and/or radiation. She gave us a copy of his pathology report today. His cancer is staged at T3. Can anyone tell me just how invasive that is? Donna


    thx Julia


    I’m sorry I’m so late in welcoming you, Amir – I’ve been catching up on posts today.


    I’m so sorry you & your dad are having to go through this – but he’s SO lucky to have you by his side. Your love for him is so apparent & you are clearly doing everything you can to support him. Sometimes it’s not too hard to know the right thing to say & sometimes it’s VERY hard to know what’s best. You made a decision which was the right one at the time, for the situation you were in at that time. Now it seems he needs to be given the extra information.

    I send GOOD LUCK wishes for a positive outcome for your dad & for you – & MANY CONGRATULATIONS on your exam.



    thx lainy,Marion

    i cant tell him the truth at this time.he is depressed now
    if i tell him, this will aggrevate his depression
    he want to back to his normal life like before.he will try the next week
    and i will be with him


    Oh Amir….by the way…I noticed that you have posted your Dad’s picture on the Faces of cholangiocarcinoma. It is very nice. I wish I had the answers to your question therefore, I can only respond in the way I feel might be best for me, personally. Although, please remember that the fantastic members on this board who may have a response better suited to your situation. Nevertheless, I will try to respond to the best of my ability.
    I believe, the time has come to be honest with your Dad because; he needs to know the truth about his illness. By that I mean: the truth about the clinical situation, I do not mean the truth about what you suspect or, the fears you might have, personally. You may want to consider including the physician in this conversation as he will be able to contribute greatly and will be able to answer questions you may not have any answers to.
    Amr, you have handled everything to the best of your abilities. None of us are prepared to deal with an illness such as this. There simply is no right way of doing it but, we must get through it. And, you will too.
    You have tried to protect your Dad from the disappointing news of a failed resection because; you did not want to disappoint him. Now the time has come for you to make the correction. And, your Dad may very well understand why you handled it the way you did. After all, you are his son. A big burden will be taken off you after this discussion has taken place because; everyone following this frank conversation no secrets will come between you and your Dad regarding his cancer.
    I am pleased to hear that your exams went well. You did it well. Congratulations.
    You will conquer this upcoming discussion, also.
    Best wishes to your entire family.
    I am wishing for much strength coming your way,


    Congratulations on being done with your exams. As for the problem with your father…I would just be honest with him. Tell him at the time you feared for him and your mind was spilling over between that and your exams and now its time to come clean and tell him all. When he is willing to do chemo and work it shows what a strong mind and body he has. Honesty is the best way for all. Thats my humble opinion.


    i just finish my exam today
    it was very good

    today after exam my dad told me that he wanna back to his work again
    but his work too far from here (about 1000kms)
    now bilirubin level 1.3 mg/dl
    tomorrow LFTs KFTs CBC will done to start chemotherapy

    he told me that he want to take chemo there with working
    &asked me is this will intrfere with working?
    but really i dont answer him
    i cant prevent him from what he needs.
    its my mistake .i told him that the tumour was resected

    plz tell me how can i deal with situation???????!!!!!

    how are u marion?i really need ur answer!!!

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