Neuro Radiologist Dr. Richard Berger

Discussion Board Forums Complementary & Alternative Treatments – CAM Neuro Radiologist Dr. Richard Berger

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  • #24174

    Have been scheduled for “Kiphoplasty” tuesday 7:am. Basically they’ll go in with needles and fill the two fractured vertabrals with a bone cement. basically like reinflating an innertube. It realigns the spine and puts back the appropriate space to take pressure off my spinal roots and allow me to walk straight and lay on my back again without pain. If you google it , it will show a video on one of the sites of how it is done. Sure hope it works as well as the movie shows. Out-patient sugery. Probally spend half day or little more.


    Sounds like a promising specialist for you. Please let us know how things went and what your impressions are.




    I’ve been referrred to Dr. Richard Berger a neuro radiologist who has had 7 years specialized training with spinal interventional procedure.

    To lenghty to go in to ,but certainly worth reading if you are having tumors, anerysums, etc of the spine. Could possibally prevent cancer related pain and progression of possible paralis situations.

    Haven’t seen him yet, but will let you know more about him. This is just another arena to treating us CC patients with spinal involvement. We’ll see and I’ll tell it like it is. credential look great.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

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