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  • #34092

    Welcome, Donna – I send my best wishes to you & your husband for his treatment. This is a wonderful place to draw strength from & I hope you continue to visit & post.

    Jane – my sister’s hair is “weakening” (i.e. if she pulls a tangle, her hair comes out more easily than it used to do) but she’s definitely not losing it. She’s on Gem/Cis. She has bad days but I believe she would agree that, overall, she has pretty few of the nasty side-effects we were both dreading.

    I hope you find an effective combination which suits you. I send my very best wishes for your treatment.



    Jane……No one likes chemo and we have plenty of discussions in that area. I appears that Gemzar does loose it’s efficiency after several months (at least, that is what we have seen with many others.) Has another regiments been suggested? Jane, the members on this site will stand by you therefore, continue to put out your thoughts. I can’t think of anything that has not come up on this site. Please, continue to reach out. You might also want to read up on Lisa’s and Kris’ postings. Both have discussed the loss of hair issue in detail.
    Hang in there.
    Best wishes,


    I have this dreaded disease too. I just had 2 Therasphere treatments, one 10/16 and the 2nd 11/16. Follow-up CT scan was 12/18. It showed death to the exisiting tumors but 3 new tumors in an untreated area along with pulmonary nodules of undetermined origin. Naturally, they are being considered mets due to the cancer. I’m scared, but am trying to do some homework re: chemo options. I HATE chemo! I was on Gemzar after a re-section 12/18/09, it worked for a while but then tumors starting growing so that’s when Therasphere was recommended. I was hoping that would do it, so am very depressed about the new developments.

    What chemo seems to work, with the fewest side affects. Appearance is very important to me in trying to deal with this. I don’t want to not feel well, lose my hair and still not get anywhere in stoping this thing.


    Hi Donna and much congratulations as your husband is already a survivor! My husband, Teddy, had the Whipple 4 years ago at 73 yrs old. He had a few bumps in the road also. You can look up all about him under Lainy. It is a very slow healing period as it is the largest surgery to the human body, not life threatening but huge. After about 9 months he started to golf. As for chemo we were told by 5 doctors and surgeons that it would not work for Teddy after a Whipple. We have already used radiation and cyber knife. Teddy had all clear margins and nodes. Anxiety, fear all go along when DX with CC. Then once a plan is made the fight begins and the fear seems to subside. Since the surgery Teddy goes to the Oncologist every other month and has LABS every month. We are so glad you found us although sorry you had to. We have had more Whipples come on lately. You are not alone here you are now part of our “family”. If you would like to talk about the Whipple, etc. please feel free to e mail or call me.


    Hello Donna,

    Welcome to the board. Wishing you and your husband all the best with his treatment in 2010.

    Looking forward to getting to ‘know you’.



    thank you marion. After reading many posts on this site, I feel I was sent here to feel the strength.


    Hello Donna and welcome. It is easy to relate to the anxiety you are describing. Bumps in the road seem to accompany these major surgeries such as whipple. I am glad to hear that things are moving along and the drains have been removed. Every day should bring your husband a step closer to feeling better. Please, stay positive and be assured that many good thoughts are coming your way.
    Best wishes,


    I am the caregiver for my 66 year old husband. He was diagnoised on 10-12-09 with cholangiocarcinoma. He had a stint done, then had the whipple procedure on 11-6 at MGH in Boston. He has hit a few “bumps in the road” with 3 additional admits since his discharge. He still has a pic line but just this past week had his drain tubes removed. We have been seeing the surg every week and now have an appt with his oncologist in a few weeks. We are not sure what willo be done ?chemo, radiation… He did have 3 nodes that showed some cancer . I don’t know how this news effects his prognosis? Our surg is optimistic to a fault. a lot of anxiety at oue house…..

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