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    I am so very sorry to hear about your loss, My love and prayers go out to you and your family during this very difficult time. If you ever need to talk we are here to listen.
    Many hugs sent your way.
    Warm Regards,


    Dear Rae,

    Sorry to hear that your mother has passed , but be assured that she is not gone . As close as you were with her she will still figure in your life a great deal as the love never dies,it is carried with you for the rest of your days.

    Please try to rest some and eat something nourishing for your own body’s sake.Once the funeral is past is probably when it will hit you the most-we lost my husband’s sister last summer and we know.

    Facing it all again with my mother soon .The circle of life goes on, look to the beauty of the sky and the soft wind in your face . Your mother will be there.



    Dear Rae,

    You have my deepest sympathy. I know how hard this all is, but atleast now your mom is at peace and no longer suffering or in pain. Know that your mom will always be with you in your heart and memories. Come back often and babble all you want. We all understand and are here for you.

    Love & Hugs,


    Rae: So sorry to hear about your Mom’s passing. She is at peace now. Prayers and a great big HUG for you coming your way.

    Go with God.


    Dear Rae what ever is happening is unfortunately normal, so to speak. You are running on adrenalin you didn’t know you had. Things to do, people to see, and even though plans were made you are busy. Sometimes we just don’t cry. Perhaps its from relief that there will be no more suffering for our loved one, everyone handles grief in their own way. Catch some cat naps if you can. I am very sorry about your Mom but now she is in a more peaceful place and will forever be watching over you.


    So very, very sorry to hear about your loss. Please come back and visit this site. We are all here for you.


    Once again, thank you all for keeping my mom in your thoughts and prayers. Mom passed earlier tonight at 6:00 PM. I have been on the phone for almost the last seven hours and am just now settling down at home. It’s still surreal to me that she’s gone. She turned 79 last week, I’m 43, and am running on pure sleeplessness right now. Thankfully mom had everything planned out so there are no arrangements to be made, we took care of them over a month ago. I still can’t wrap my head around that she’s gone and haven’t outright cried yet and am kind of nervous about going to sleep as I don’t want reality to settle in yet. I’ve now read what I’ve written so far and think I had better stop babbling on. Thank you for being a place where I can set down what’s buzzing through my head.



    Rae – I hope and pray that your mothers passing is peaceful. I’m sorry you found this site as late as you did, but I believe the wonderful people here will provide as much comfort after your Mother’s passing as before. You and your family are in the thoughts and prayers tonight, and in the days to come…

    Lots of Love and Hugs,



    Dear Ray, hang in as it will not be long now and she will be at peace with no more pain, she will truly be home. My prayers are coming your way.


    Thank you all for the welcome. I’m with mom right now playing some of her favorite music (The Mills Brothers, Camelot, Elvis). We are very close now. She is gulping for air and lungs are rattling. But I’m glad she’s going to where there is no cancer and no pain.



    Hello Rae,

    I would just like to let you know that we are going through the self same thing with my Mum who was diagnosed ten months ago.
    She is bed-bound on a lot of morphine now and we are just waiting for the inevitable.

    How wonderful that the doctors were able to give your mother 11 years with you after diagnosis and resection!This will make very hopeful reading for those about to go through with this challenging surgery,and bring them bucketfuls of hope.

    Unfortunately they could not offer my Mum any treatment due to age and frailty,and she was also disabled from strokes,one which she suffered after diagnosis and left her pretty immobile.You can read our journey so far under “Mum just diagnosed Ninewells” if you are interested.

    This is a very informative site.I haven’t answered a lot of posts due to the fact that Mum was having no treatment,but found it reassuring that we are not alone in our everyday battle with CC,and gleaned a lot of information on what to expect along the way.

    Many come back( after their loved one passes) to the site to share their grief and experience of bereavement.Just typing out the words can help to settle the mind and calm the spirit.

    From our family to yours I wish your loved one a peaceful passing and keep safe all the wonderful memories of years gone by in your heart.


    I just found out my dad sister has cc and my dad dinosged in june of 2002 cc and he only lived 13 days from the time we found out he had it . Also my dad also has a another brother with lukema and has had it for a year and a another sister with breast cancer and has had it for at least 7 months and we did had a newphew in 1989 die of lukema in the same he only lived only one yr from dinosges is there r only three of the family one sister and two brother s that dont have any cancer is there anyway anyone know how to get test for other relatives such as grand childeren brother and sisters cause of the high risk of cancer in the family . If anyone can help that would be great thanks !!!


    Welcome Rae to our wonderful family but so sorry you had to join us. It is NEVER too late to come aboard. We have many members stay around long after their loved one has gone. I am Praying for your Mom to have a very Peaceful journey.


    Welcome, we are so sorry that you had to find us and sorry that you haven’t had our support for all the time you have had CC in your life. Glad that you finally found us. I thin k you will get a lot of support on this site. I am sorry that your mom is so close, but my prayer is that she goes peacefully. Hearing is the last thing to go, so continue to tell her how much you love you and what she has meant to you in your life. My husband just passed 5 weeks ago. He went into a coma and passed very peacefully. He also declined very rapidly at the end. Please continue to come here and post often. Blessings, Susan


    We took my mom into hospice care yesterday and she is pretty close to passing now. She was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma 11 years ago and the surgeon at the Mayo clinic was able cut out the tumor, take half her liver and her gallbladder and somehow sew everything back together. Then in August of 2009 it was back in multiple sites and surgery wasn’t an option. She spent from September of 2009 to August of 2010 on different chemos but they had no impact. Last week Tuesday we all had pizza together, this past Monday she was out of bed, alert, talking with the hospice nurse about pain, and moving around great with her walker. Tuesday night she started going downhill fast. By Wednesday she could barely walk and yesterday morning she couldn’t. She’s now on a lot of morphine, was cathed this morning, and is incoherent. I think she will be going in the next day or so and I only just found this site tonight while searching for signs and symptoms of eminent death. I’m sorry I didn’t know about this site before.

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