New and looking for some answers..

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    You might also want to take at the postings of Ron Smith. He had discussed some of his heart issues and the effects chemotherapy had on him.
    And, welcome to you. I am glad that you have joined.


    Welcome to our little refuge. My mom was 66 when diagnosed and she also had heart problems but she went to the doc because she was experiencing symptoms so I am curious how your mom’s cc was discovered if she had no symptoms. Was it an accident or a routine test that was a little off?

    My mom had a defibrillator/pacemaker and while she was able to get around fine, her endurance was not great and she never really got back on her feet entirely after her resection. They tried a chemo pill but the regimen kept getting interrupted by feverish infections that required hospital stays.



    I too would like to welcome you to the site. You are in good hands here. I agree with Lainy. The heart doctor should be able to answer some of your concerns. It seems many have been told the standard 6 month prognosis, but there is no real standard here. Many have beat that and gone on a lot longer. Being realistic, some do lose the battle quickly. This cancer is very unpredictable and treats everyone differently. You need to ask a lot of questions, get many opinons and then make decisions based on that and your own feelings. Come back often as you will find that everyone here is more than willing to try to help and give guidance & support or even just listen. Please let us know how things are progressing with your Mom.



    Welcome and sorry you had to find us. First and foremost is to get under the care of a good Oncologist. He will take care of the rest. Don’t feel bad looking for “signs” that is extremely important. My guess would be that you need to speak with her heart doctor about the chemo tolerance. And no, we do not believe in expiration dates. We have some wonderful “miracle” stories on here. Please keep us posted and feel free to visit often with questions or advise.


    Hello everyone. I am new to this site and from what I read on here, this seems to be a really supportive site. My mom was diagnosed with cc approx. 3yrs ago. She had 2 ablations with no success. Surgery is not an option. She is being referred to an oncologist for palliative chemo. Of course that is if she can have chemo because of her poor health condition-mainly her heart which I really dont think can tolerate chemo. She is 62. We are waiting to get in to see the oncologist-no of yet. She doesnt have any signs/symptoms of this nasty disease and sometimes I feel like im analyzing her to look for yellow eyes/swollen abdomen and so on to see if it is starting to take its nasty effects. I try not to think that way. Perhaps I’m in denial. My mom lives with me and I’m being as supportive as I can. I dont want to hear the 6 months/ 9 months left to live. NObody does. I know we arent different than anyone else with this so to try and take each day as it comes. Well I think I will stop here anyways.

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