thanks Marion and Eli for your compliment. yes it is a lot of work;but if you love what you are doing like both of you do,it is worthwhile.
Here is the breakdown for that stats: for Nov1-Dec 18,2011(patient pop=22)
(# of patient information may not add up to 22 due to lack of data provided)
GENDER: Female=14 ; MALE=8
with 6 in the 50’s; 2 in the 60’s in the 70’s ;
1 in the 80’s ; 6 in the<50's; 4 with no data.
DIAGNOSIS : intrahepatic CCA=9
; extrahepatic CCA=9
not sure ICC or ECC.= 4
(18 of the patient DX alone in 2011,with 2 recurrences ;4 passed away)
GEM/CIS = Gemcitabine+ciplatin protocol= 9 patients.
GEMOX = Gemcitabine+oxaliplatin protocol=2 patients.
GEMOX+panitumimab = 1 patient.
GEM/CIS+everolimus = 1 patient.
5FU protocol +? = 1 patient.
Not sure about protocol = 4 patient.
Geographic LOCATION: UK=1 pt. Egypt=1 pt;Canada=3 pts ; rest=USA.
The observation::
1.The Male to Female ratio; usually is more in man than women.
2.There are 6 patients in the <50 age group;a LARGE difference from the
reports that I had studied;age between 50-70 is the prevalence group.
3.GEM/CIS is the most used protocol in both ICCA and ECCA. and just one using 5 FU(including capecitabine);that is a bit surprise to me.
BTW, this is just a simple data collection in a random selected period with NO STATISTICAL adjustments.
God bless.