New CCA Patients Register On This Web Site (N0v.1-Dec.18,2011)

Discussion Board Forums Chemotherapy & More New CCA Patients Register On This Web Site (N0v.1-Dec.18,2011)

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  • #55802

    Thanks for this Percy!


    I think that at present it is our Lauren at age 25; but both of you have age on your side. You are young and resiliant.


    Thanks for this info! I think I’m the baby on the list! 😎


    Hi Percy,

    This is great, thank you so much for all of this! This must have taken you an age to do, so once again, thank you very much. That is great that you are going back to work, but you better take it easy! And I hope that all goes well with work.

    Best wishes,


    PS – Stay warm!!


    WOW! Percy, what a great job you did. So very interesting to see what and where the numbers are. I agree I thought the female to male was unbelievable. Makes you wonder if we are the only ones looking now and collecting numbers? Thanks so much, Percy!


    thanks Marion and Eli for your compliment. yes it is a lot of work;but if you love what you are doing like both of you do,it is worthwhile.

    Here is the breakdown for that stats: for Nov1-Dec 18,2011(patient pop=22)
    (# of patient information may not add up to 22 due to lack of data provided)

    GENDER: Female=14 ; MALE=8
    with 6 in the 50’s; 2 in the 60’s ;3 in the 70’s ;
    1 in the 80’s ; 6 in the<50's; 4 with no data.
    DIAGNOSIS : intrahepatic CCA=9
    ; extrahepatic CCA=9
    not sure ICC or ECC.= 4
    (18 of the patient DX alone in 2011,with 2 recurrences ;4 passed away)

    GEM/CIS = Gemcitabine+ciplatin protocol= 9 patients.
    GEMOX = Gemcitabine+oxaliplatin protocol=2 patients.
    GEMOX+panitumimab = 1 patient.
    GEM/CIS+everolimus = 1 patient.
    5FU protocol +? = 1 patient.
    Not sure about protocol = 4 patient.
    Geographic LOCATION: UK=1 pt. Egypt=1 pt;Canada=3 pts ; rest=USA.

    The observation::
    1.The Male to Female ratio; usually is more in man than women.
    2.There are 6 patients in the <50 age group;a LARGE difference from the
    reports that I had studied;age between 50-70 is the prevalence group.
    3.GEM/CIS is the most used protocol in both ICCA and ECCA. and just one using 5 FU(including capecitabine);that is a bit surprise to me.

    BTW, this is just a simple data collection in a random selected period with NO STATISTICAL adjustments.
    God bless.


    Percy, you’ve done a lot of digging. Very impressive. Thank you!


    Percy….you were telling the truth about having a special like for medical research. Fantastic work. Thanks so very much.


    Hi, every one,

    I will go back to work later this week, I may not have as much time as I want now to do things on the Web site along with all of you .
    so, this is what I have done since Eli teach me to use the computer wisely.
    God bless.

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