New Diagnosis

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    Hi my name is Maria my mother who is 63yrs young was diagnosed with CC in late July she has then had 3 biliary catheter stents placed. One was later removed because it was not draining enough bile. She currently has 2 stents. Her cancer has metastasized to her lungs, and throat lymph nodes. She will start 15 sessions of radiation next week and according to how she responds with that then she will do chemo. My mom has good health except for this but the past few weeks have been rough her ammonia levels where high so we have her on lactulose which pretty much give her diarrhea. She has lost a lot of weight and her appetite is poor but she till wants to eat and drink. Doctors are not giving us much hope so i wanted to see if their was anyone out there who knows specialist or can give me any recommendations for this cancer. I want to take her to UCSF in san francisco but they said they cant help her because her bilirubin is high at 22. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I live in the bay area in California and i am my mothers full time care giver. I have recently taken out FMLa to care for her as.much as i can.
    Thank you all for any advice that can be given.

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