My brother was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma 2 weeks ago, went to memorial Sloan Kettering where diagnosis was confirmed and body scan showed mets to the lung. Dr. said that the CC was extensive and so many lung mets that it was inoperable and instead of asking if he wanted to talk with a MSK oncologist, he forwarded my brother back to his local gastroenterologist who set up an appointment with a local oncologist. I also got him another appointment with a Dana Farber oncologist for this week. Does anyone have any experience with Dr. Kimmie Ng?
My brother is distraught with waiting for treatment. The local oncologist said he would start the next week and we find out it will be another week after that…this week is set aside for a “class” on chemotherapy. The office managers said they were really busy for the holiday week and they didn’t have space for him to start chemo this week….like he’s trying to get treatment for a pimple!
Is this typical…to wait for chemo 2-3 weeks after diagnosis? Has anyone had any experience with CC that was not operable? I suggested Gemzar plus cisplatin or one of the monoclonal antibodies as combination therapy to be the most aggressive against this cancer and metatases but his local dr said that he did not think that would be more effective than Gem alone.
I would appreciate any thoughts or comments. I am obsessed with trying to find out as much information as possible. Thanks so much.