New hepatic or perihepatic cyst

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    Prayers being sent from Indiana!



    Kris….know that a tidal wave of support is heading your way….from all of us on the discussion board.
    Hugs and all my best wishes,


    Hi Kris,

    I haven’t posted for a while and I’m sorry to hear that you have been having some problems. I’m glad you’re not feeling that bad and I hope your doctors can come up with a good plan for you. The new year will be here before you know it so just hang in there, and may 2012 bring lots of miracles to all of us. Hope you have a blessed holiday season. PeggyP


    Dear Kris,

    I’m sorry you have to go through all of this. I wish you a 2012 with a plan of attack to make you feel better. All the best to you.

    Love, -Pam


    Dear Kris,

    I’m sorry you have to go through all of this. I wish you a 2012 with a plan of attack to make you feel better. All the best to you.

    Love, -Pam


    Best of luck Kris! I’m sure waiting for a plan is really difficult.

    Best wishes,



    Hi Kris, they will make the right decision as you are in good hands.I hope you can enjoy the Holidays and keep feeding the troll. Wishing you the best and a much better New Year!


    I talked to Dr. Kemeny yesterday and she won’t give me chemo while I have this sack in my abdomen. I basically told her she needs to talk to Dr. Fong so they can tell me what I’m going to do. She has scheduled another CT scan for the 30th to compare the size of the sack of fluid. Hopefully they scan the tumor, too.
    All I know is with everything that’s been happening the past couple of months, I have had very little chemo. But, surprisingly, and very happily, the tumor is smaller by .5cm lengthwise. I guess the chemo is still killing and shrinking long after it’s been delivered.
    I hope the tumor has shrunk a little more by next week. I’ve had my troll busy drinking and eating so hope he did some good! If it hasn’t shrunk, I don’t know if they are going to want to treat the fluid or just wait to see what happens. So far the tumor has remained stable, and that’s good. The waiting is tough tho.
    I just have to remain thankful that I’m still healthy. And hope that they make a decision soon and that it’s the right one.


    Dearest Kris, to me the most important thing is that you have options! I can certainly understand the fright of surgery any surgery but please try to take it one step at a time. I just don’t like your having to live with discomfort. I do have one suggestion for you about the dancing. Have you tried chair dancing???? I do that often. LOL Just sit in the chair and move to the msuic! OK, OK, but at least its a little movement. Seriously, though, wish I could wave a magic wand and just make all this disappear for you! Hang in, be strong, we all love you and your wonderful attitude.


    Kris….bummer…there is a reason we compare fighting this disease to a roller coster ride. I agree…we don’t like the alternative though.
    Dr. Fong has such vast experience with this cancer that I would never question him in any way. I believe that in re: to surgeries performed on CC patients, he must rank in the top five.
    (As far as I know: the Mayo Clinic, Minn., Sloan Kettering, and MD Anderson treat about 100 or more patients per year.)

    Anyway dear Kris, you might just have to stick to the one song dance routine until things can be cleared up next year. But next year is not too far off either.
    I am wishing with all my heart for you to have a break from all of this. You so much deserve it.
    Hugs and all my best wishes,


    I met with Dr. Fong (my surgeon) today and he is pretty sure I have a blocked bile duct. So the fluid buildup is bile. He says he doesn’t want to do anything unless I start getting sick. Right now it’s uncomfortable (not really painful) but the shortness of breath is really annoying. I used to be able to dance the night away. Now I get most of the way thru 1 song and I need a rest. It’s hard for me to lose that, too. But it beats the alternative, right?
    Dr. Fong says if I start spiking a fever or getting sick I need to get up to Sloane Kettering and they will probably drain the sack with a needle. He doesn’t want to do it now if my only complaint is shortness of breath, as it will open me up a little to infection and I haven’t been able to fight them very well.
    The other choice is to do the big surgery now. He says he’s still not comfortable with the size of the tumor, but he can resect the liver and zap the area where the tumor is and kill off any cancer cells he might have missed. The resection would include the bile duct that is affected and the sack of fluid.
    He did say that he wants me to continue chemo thru the pump (which I haven’t had for about 6 weeks) to try to kill more of the tumor. So I will hopefully go back to NY on Wed. (I need frequent flyer miles! hehe… actually frequent train miles) And I will hopefully get the pump filled with chemo. At the end of Jan. I meet with Dr. Fong again and we will revisit my status.
    Probably within the next few months we will be looking at resection. Scares me to death!!! But again, it beats the alternative… that’s my mantra in case you haven’t figured it out.


    Hi Kris, I am sorry to hear the bad/good news bit again. I am hoping they come up with a genius plan! At least you got a 2 week break from the hospital, I bet you were missed! I love your wish for 2012 as that says it all.


    Hi, all:
    Today I went to NYC to see Dr. Kemeny. It’s been 2 1/2 weeks since I got out of the hospital and 2 weeks since I’ve seen her. She scheduled a CT scan for me last Monday (12/5) to see how the infection around my pump was doing.
    I now have a “hepatic or perihepatic cyst” measuring 9×5.7 cm and containing fluid.
    Oh, good news: the tumor has shrunk again. It’s down to 3.2×2.9 cm from 3.8×2.9 in Oct.
    But we need to worry about the fluid.
    This is how all my good news seems to be given to me. “Sorry, there’s this bad stuff going on. Oh, good news… the tumor has shrunk. But this bad stuff needs to be taken care of.”
    So now I wait. Dr. Kemeny wants to talk to my surgeon, Dr. Fong, to see what he thinks. With all these infections that I don’t seem to be able to fight very well, she is a little concerned about opening me up to any further infections. This includes draining the fluid. I’m not sure what other choices I have, since there seems to be more fluid than there was when I was in the hospital. No wonder I have no breath!
    I know I should be grateful because I am not that sick, but before cc I was the patient that made my yearly appointments for my yearly check up and that was that. I was never sick. This going into and out of the hospital for infections is getting old fast.
    My wish for 2012: that all of us get a new lease on life. That they find a cure for cancer. If not all cancers, then most. And better, more productive, more sustaining treatments for those of us that are “inoperable”.

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