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    Hi Cindy,
    Welcome to our wonderful family. I will pray for shrinkage so you can have surgery. I have had two resections so if you ever want to talk or have questions please feel free to call me 330-903-6868. I have changed my diet which I think has helped me.


    Wow. I am so glad you did not just take the ER docs word that there was nothing wrong. This CC is really hard to diagnose! I’m in N Ca and my sister is fighting Intrahepatic CC, like you she has a young child, is undergoing chemo and hoping for enough shrinkage to be eligible for resection. Being TX at Stanford. I feel so much for you and your young family. Heres big hope that your chemo is successful and you will be having surgery soon!



    Hi Cindy,

    Welcome to the site and sorry you had to find us. This site has been so helpful to me. When I was first diagnosed, I wanted to find others like me.
    I was 31 when I was diagnosed with intrahepatic CC. I was very healthy.
    I had one large tumor and was able to have a resection. I also got chemo radiation and chemo after the resection.
    Best of luck with your treatment and please keep us posted.



    Hi Cindy
    I am new here too but wanted to say Hello and let you know I am rooting for you!!



    Cindy…I just want to echo what everyone has said so far. Hang in there; don’t look at statistics (not current and do not reflect up to date survival and success rates.) This is about you, your cancer, and your very own response to treatment.


    So sorry you had to find us.
    Our kids are around the same ages. Hang on gf, being a mom and fighting cancer is hard work.


    Hi Cindy,

    I am really sorry you were diagnosed with CC. It is very easy to feel like you are the only one with this cancer since it is very rare. You are considered family here in this exclusive club nobody wants to belong to. I would like to officially welcome you and let you know we will always be here to help you. I wish you all the best with your next CT. Hope to hear from you again.



    Cindy, Welcome and sorry you had to find us. I am a CC survivor, I am 3 plus years cancer free! I have an amazing story to share, please read it at, there is HOPE!!
    My life was saved at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis MO. by Dr. William Chapman and his team. Dr. Susan Logan was one the doctors on his team and saved my life on July, 4, 2008, she is an amazing doctor/surgeon and has moved to Fresno!! So when you get to the surgical stage (think positive) make sure her name is mentioned to Dr. Flam, you be very impressed. She is familiar in treating CC
    Lots of prayers and HOPE-Cathy


    Hi Cindy,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all but I am glad that you have joined in with us as I know that you will get tons and tons of support and help from everyone. I came here after my dad was diagnosed in 2008 and it was the best thing that I could have personally done.

    You sure have been through a lot and thanks so much for sharing your story with us all. I’m loving your positive attitude and also staying strong, great hearing that from you! And you are certainly not the only one out there going through this, everyone here is with you!!

    I hope that your next round of chemo goes well and my fingers are crossed for the CT results. Please let us know how this goes for you and know that I am sending loads of positive thoughts your way as well.

    My best wishes to you,



    Thank you for your kind words and carring support. I will definately keep you informed.


    Hello Cindy and welcome to our remarkable family but sorry you had to join. We sure love the word shrinkage and will cross everything in hopes of a Scan that will show “shrinkage” as we love the word surgery even more. I know we can be a little strange here! But in a good way. You sound like a very strong woman with a great attitude all making for a great RX to beat this CC. You have come to the best place where you will find the most caring and loving people from all over the world. Please keep us updated and feel free to question, advise and even to vent. You are NOT alone, we are all here cheering for you!


    My name is, Cindy Lance, and I am 39 years old and am married with 2 kids. My daughter is 6 and my son is 2. I am very healthy, a long distance runner, eat well, have never smoked, and rarely drink. Then, in late March, after a two week hospital stay, I was diagnosed with stage 4 cholangiocarcinoma and have been on chemo since early April. Test after test, biopsy after biopsy, and they still could not find anything wrong. Yet I had all the typical symtoms. Abdominal pain, elevated LFT’s, jaunice, discoloration of stoole and urine, and itchy skin. The ER Dr. tried to send me home the first night I was there. I argued with him, of coarse. Then when the surgeon went in to do the laporascopic surgery to remove my infected GB, he looked at my pelvis and abdomen and found many tumors. The largest was attached to the back of my left ovary. He biopsied several tumors which came back malignant. I am so glad that I found this website. I kind of felt like I was the only one out there going through this. I just love all the support from all of the loving and carring people on this site. I am keeping a positive attitude and staying strong through all of this, but it is very trying at times. I have a great Oncologist in Fresno, Ca., Dr. Flam. He is very strait forward and very aggressive. That is what I want in a Dr. who is saving my life. My CA-125, has dropped from 106 before treatment to 12.6, as of 2 weeks ago. I still need to go through one more round of chemo before I get a repeat CT. We are hoping that the CT will show that the tumors have shrunk. We are also hoping that I will become a candidate for surgery. Wish me luck.

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