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    I wanted to introduce myself. My husband was diagnosed with cc this past Fall. Because of a previous unrelated cancer tumor he was having CT scans and in June a spot on his liver was found. He had an ablasion done (thinking it was related to the previous tumor which to everyone’s surprise they diagnosed as a primary liver) and the surgeon suggested waiting a month to see if we see anything more on the next scan. He did see a ring around the spot that was ablased so he went in to do a biopsy. That was in November when we received the worst news you could hear- stage 4 cc. Not a candidate for surgery and needed to start chemo immediately. We started with gem and oxyilplatin-3 treatments and the CT scan showed he did not respond so we just finished 2nd round of xeloda but do not know the results yet. We have gone for a 2nd and 3rd opinion but there seems to be very little to offer if he does not respond to the xeloda. My husband does not want anyone to know he has cancer for business and personal reasons so I am struggling to get through each day. He has no symptoms and has tolerated the chemo pretty well, just tired and cold all the time. This would not have been found until he had symptoms if he didnt have a problem with the tumor on his arm. So my biggest fear right now is when will he have symptoms and the unknown scares me the most. Will he go on like this for months, years? I am not getting any answers from the drs. The only thing I keep hearing is it has spread and the cancer markers are very high. I guess I need help emotionally and more information about this disease. I AM SO SCARED AND LONELY. We have told immediate family and very very close friends but that is it so I go around like nothings wrong.
    Has anyone had any success with these clinical trials and does anyone know of any going on for interheptic cc. Thank you for this websites support. I have read others stories over the last few months but since my husband is so private was afraid to come on to introduce myself but Im at a point that I need support.

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