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    Thank you, Mark! I have contacted UPMC and am awaiting a response. Praying for you,


    Hi Lisa,

    Let me add my welcome along with the others. I am 53 with three stepsons, 11, 15, and 20, and have been fighting this disease for 20 months. The support we have received here has been very important. A second opinion was also important and extended my life. If your husband is already being treated in Pittsburgh, the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center is a power house for treating liver cancers, and they have broad experience with cc. In particular, you might get a consultation with Dr. Wallis Marsh. He is exceptionally skilled and a very caring human being.

    Best wishes to you and your family.




    Let me add my welcome and I am sorry you had a reason to come to this site. I am glad you have had some good news about your husband’s tumors after his chemo treatments.

    A second opinion (or 3rd or 4th) is something the people on this site recommend often because of the rarity of this cancer and the lack of physicians who have dealt with it. It’s definitely something to consider.

    Keep us updated on your husband’s condition.



    Lisa…a warm welcome from me to you. Lisa, I agree with Lainy in that I would search out another, professional opinion. Does your husband have intrahepatic or extrahepatic disease?
    Hugs to you,


    Dear Lisa, you are definitely not alone, we are all extended family here. Have you thought at all about a 2nd opinion? We are big believers in 2nd and 3rd opinions. Most important is that you use ONCs who are very experienced with treating CC. Wishing you the very best and I know you will be hearing from many more on this Board.


    John is being treated at Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh by Dr. Shifeng Mao. He went in to the hospital for back pain and we then found out that he had CC in his liver and spine. The main tumor was 10cm, but has shrunken considerably. He is not a candidate for surgery as the cancer is in more than one place. It’s hard to see him suffer, but we are holding up pretty well. Thanks!


    Hi Lisa,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all and I’m sorry to hear about your husband. But you’re in the right place for support and help and I know you’ll get loads of each from all of us here. That is very good that his last scan showed considerable improvement after the Gem/Cis and I hope that the Gem/Ox works well also. There are a ton of posts here on the site from the members sharing their experiences of various types and combo’s of chemo should you want to read them.

    We’re glad that you have found us as well and I hope that you keep coming back. If you’ve got questions then please feel free to ask and we’ll do our best to help if we can. And please remember to let us know how everything goes for your husband, we are here for you and we care. Looking forward to hearing more from you.

    My best wishes to you and your husband,



    Dear Lisa, welcome to our extraordinary family but sorry you had to find us, but VERY happy your Husband is doing well. You certainly have a big cheering section with 4 kids to help and now an added cheering section, your new cheering CC Family. May I ask where he is being treated and where is his CC? Please try to read up on CC as knowledge is really our best tool for fighting this rare and curious Cancer. Again, welcome and please keep us posted as we truly care and this is the best place to be.



    My husband, who is 50, was diagnosed in February. We have four children, ages 22, 21, 18, and 11. He is on his second round of chemotherapy. After completing the first round of Gem/Cis, his PT scan showed considerable improvement. He is now doing Gem/Ox. He has also had two transfusions for low red count. He is still working, but reduced hours.

    I am glad to have found this site, it’s good (but sad) to know there are many people going through the same situation.

    Trust God,

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