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    Welcome to the site, but so very sorry that you have reason to be here. And sorry to hear all that you and your husband have been through. You have certainly been through the wringer. Sounds like the docs have plans, which is always good. I hope that the new regime works it’s magic on those horrible tumors.

    Feeling like this is surreal is part of the shock of this type of diagnosis. You are doing your best and moving forward which is a positive step.

    Thinking of you and your husband.



    I’m soooo happy to have found this site. My dear husband, Paul (age 58) was diagnosed with CC in Aug while we were living in BEAUTIFUL Cali. This came very unexpected due to a nose bleed that we couldn’t get stopped! The WORST possible ever @ an E R, being told you have terminal cancer, stage # 4, with 50 tumors! YES I said 50, also tumors in the liver, gallbladder, bile duct, lymp n all I can say is a HORRID NITEMARE! Paul was having some tummy probs the doc thought was due to a gallbladder, however his labs only showed slightly elevated liver enzymes! It wasn’t until the scans, That revealed this cancer, Paul is a healthy man, always did is exercise program daily, good diet, good weight, always getting yrly check ups colonospy etc. He did have open heart surgery in 2004, due to a valve leaking, that went undetected since birth, done @ the Cleveland Clinic ( our birth home) Pauls work has traveled us many places, incl Indy, Mi, Germany, Cali
    Note * Just last yr in Feb, Paul had a total knee replacement, due to an old football injury, his labs showed slight anemia, thinking it was due to the daily aspirin regimin he took since his heart surgery in 2004. The doc didn’t seem concerned.
    After the initial shock! ( that I still feel some days) he decided to return to the Cleveland, Oh area, where many extended family live and seek treatment @ the Cleveland Clinic. I packed up very quickly, put in storage an apt full and came to live @ Paul’s brothers house.
    Initially the oncology docs in Cali gave a VERY GRIM PROGNOSIS of a 6 – 9 mo, with chemotherapy treatment. The Cleveland Clinic docs won’t go in that direction of numbers.
    Paul began a chemo regimen of Cystplatin & Gemsar, his Dec scans showed a 20-30% decrease in overall tumors. In Jan the toxicity began to take its effects on him, so the oncology pulled back the Cystplatin , using only the Gemsar. However this has proved to be ineffective, as the disease has now progressed to where it was back in Aug, when we first started. UGHHHH
    Scans were done a wk back. Now, the oncology doc has decided the Folfox chemo is the way to go, as he put it with ” VERY GOOD RESULTS” Paul had a treatment last week, along with a take home pump for two additional days. Well, we are now in the waiting to see if this will take these demon tumors down! I spend most days in a state of panic, that I need to disguise in order to cope. I usually feel disoriented now living in this freezing winter! ( as I suffer with fibro & RA) not the best climate. However, sacrifices need to be made for my husband of 35 yrs who I love with all my heart and cannot imagine going on without him. I cry so much some days I’m just ill.
    We both have very deep faith and KNOW God is with us @ every moment and I lean on him constantly, as this cross is VERY HEAVY indeed.
    Thank you for allowing me an opportunity to share my story, I’m in dire need of support and I look forward to keeping in touch, as you all seem to be traveling down this same CC road as Paul and I.
    Pat B. ~

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